45: Catching Snowflakes

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It's been a few months and Ness has really grown. She looks like a solid six years old now and she adores her Auntie Gail. They're out now: Bella, Ness, Jacob, and Abigail. Jacob and Abigail are in their wolves.

"The snow is so pretty!" Ness coos as she looks around at the falling snow, the snow is why Abigail adores the winter.

"It is," Bella coos.

Is Leah really your beta? Abigail asks her brother.

Yep, Jacob replies as he watches Ness dance in the falling snow. She's good, strong.

Abigail nods her wolf head and puts on a goofy doggy grin when Ness flies up and catches a flake. She sees Irina Denali in the distance.

"Who's that?" Ness asks her mom, pointing out the blonde.

"That looks like our cousin from Denali, Irina," Bella replies. "Irina!" Bella calls. "Stay with Jacob and your auntie Gail."

Ness snuggles into Jacob's russet fur as Bella rushes across the snow covered fields to reach Irina.

Alice and Abigail have been working together on wedding plans. Jasper chose to stay out of it, and Paul's Emmett are - unfortunately - in charge of the bachelor party. Abigail cannot even begin to imagine what those two bozos have in mind.

"That's weird," Bella says as she arrives back suddenly. "She was gone when I got there."

"Look, mom!" Ness holds out her hand and reveals the snowflake she caught.

"That is beautiful, Renesme," Bella coos.

Bella lifts Ness up.

"I want on auntie Gail," Ness demands.

"Yes, ma'am," Bella replies and puts her daughter on Abigail's back.

Ness buries herself into Abigail's silver fur. When they arrive back, Ness runs in to brag to her father about her adventure while Bella informs Carlisle about Irina being there. Jacob and Abigail phase back and head inside.

"Auntie Gail!" Ness exclaims as she runs into the woman's arms. "Hi."

"Hi, baby," Abigail coos.

Abigail agreed to become her godmother. Abi balled like a baby when Edward and Bella asked her. She is listening to Esme about the children advice, and not giving up. Abigail and Jasper haven't had sex again, and they're both waiting for their wedding day this time.

Ness wiggles out of Abigail's arms and sits on the piano bench with Edward. The girl's father smiles down at her and he presses a random key, Ness follows in suite.

"Aunt Alice, can I have some water?" Ness asks in her sweet, little voice.

"Of course, darling," Alice chirps and she unwraps herself from Travis and she walks upstairs to the kitchen.

Everyone is smiling and listening as Edward teaches his daughter how to play the piano when they hear glass break. Travis speeds up to Alice, who has a look of horror as she comes out of a vision.

"Alice?" Travis gains his wife's attention. "What is it?"

"The Volturi," she whispers. "They're coming for us."

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