06: Chilling with Quill

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AJ arrives at the Altera home, she rode her brand new bike Billy just bought for her. Quill opens the door and smiles at his friend, he normally hangs with AJ around Jacob but not today.

AJ sees the long haired boy with glasses, and she grins. He's supposed to be tutoring her as well as hanging out. Leah knows where AJ is, and isn't mad she isn't coming over today like she usually does.

"There's a dance in May," Quill mumbles, shyly. "Would you... would you go with me?"

"I'd like to," AJ muses.

Quill pushes some hair behind his ear before he grabs some books from his sophomore year, he's a junior like Leah. AJ takes a seat in the beanbag chair beside the Altera and she listens to everything he teaches.

"This isn't too hard," Quill claims and he looks at the Black female. "Just have to strive for the best."

"You're such a motivational speaker," AJ mutters. "I'm homeschooled. Sue said it would be best to use an older teen to help me with catching up."

"I understand," Quill claims and pushes his glasses up. "I don't mind at all... Are you hungry?"

"Kind of," AJ replies. "I haven't eaten much today."

Quill and AJ go downstairs and Quill makes two sandwiches. His is a peanut butter and jelly, AJ's is a ham and cheese.

"Will... will you be my girlfriend?" Quill asks in a gentle voice.

AJ's eyes widen and she blushes widely. "Yes."

Quill blushes himself, and he eats his sandwich. AJ eats hers, too... Both of them are quiet, but it's a comfortable silence.

"Son?" Sherry Altera coos as she enters. "Oh! Hey, AJ."

"Mom, AJ's kind of my... girlfriend," Quill says with a blush.

Sherry frowns. "Can I have a word?"

Quill bows his head and follows his mother into the living room. AJ grabs her phone and she calls Jared.

"Hey, little Black," the pack's beta greets. "What's up?"

"I'm bored," AJ admits. "Quill is talking to his mother."

"Awe, poor baby," Jared teases and he gets scolded by a woman in the background. "I'm sorry."

"Who's making you aapologize?" AJ asks, her voice full of amusement.

"Kim," Jared grumbles. "But I am sorry, that was rude of me to tease you, AJ."

"If you didn't tease me, you wouldn't be you, Jared," AJ muses. "I forgive you and tell Kim I don't mind your teasing, I know you mean no harm."

Quill walks in with a friend and he places a piece of paper on the counter in front of AJ before he leaves the house quickly. AJ looks at it as Jared chats with his imprint.

My mom says I can't have a girlfriend. Can you leave?

AJ sighs sadly and she meets eyes with a glaring Sherry. The girl frowns.

"Jared?" AJ mumbles as she goes back upstairs to Quill's room. "You still there?"

"Yeah, babydoll, what's wrong?" Jared's voice asks. "You sound miserable."

"Quill dumped me after only minutes and now I have to leave and I..."

"Shh, babygirl, shh," Jared coos as he puts on his sneakers. "I'm on my way to you."

AJ hangs up and puts her stuff in her bag. As she goes to wave, she sees Sherry.

"I hope you understand," Sherry says. "My son cannot date no one associated with Black Black."

"What's wrong with my father?" AJ asks.

"He broke my heart," Sherry replies sadly. "He was with me before he left me for Sarah."

"Sherry, I am not my father," AJ says. "But don't worry, your son is done with me."

AJ pushes past Quill's mother and she goes outside, where Jared is waiting patiently in his pickup. Abigail sighs before she puts her backpack on the back and she gets into the truck.

"We're going to Sam's," Jared says and he looks at AJ. "You ok, babygirl?"

AJ nods and leans her head agaisnt the window.

"I'll talk to Sherry," Jared said. "But first, what did she say to my little sister?"

AJ looks at the wolf and sighs. "Said she didn't want Quill with me because my dad broke her heart when he imprinted on my mom."

Jared tests a protective hand on AJ's knee. "I'll drop you off at Sam's and I'll go talk to Sherry."

"Just go to my dad, he can talk to her," Abigail insists. "And since you're my brother now, you cann he Abigail."

"Can do," Jared replies as he pulls up to Sam's. "Go on in. You're safe here."

Abigail enters the house and Paul smiles sadly.

"Rachel still on campus?" AJ asks as she sits beside him, in front of the lit fireplace.

"Yep, until her classes on Friday are finished," Paul grumbles.

"Poor baby."

"You don't get it," Sam muses as he leans a giants the kitchen doorway. "When you phase and imprint, you'll understand, AJ." He looks around. "Where's Jared?"

"Went to see my dad about something Sherry Altera said to me," AJ replies. "He's very protective."

"Jared adores you," Sam says in his deep voice. "Calls you his baby sister all the time. You deserve someone protective."

"And she's got it," Jared grumbles as he walks in. "Billy called Harry and is going to talk to Sherry." He poops down on the other side of AJ. "Hey, Abigail."

AJ leans her head against his shoulder and she doses off at his warmth.

"I'm glad you two grew a good bond," Sam admits as he eyes the pair. "She needs someone here, as well as home."

Jared kisses the top of AJ's head. "She's my sister now. Of course." He looks out the door as someone pulls up, Sherry pushes Billy in. "She's asleep."

Billy rolls himself over and brushes her hair back. "Sam, can she sleep here tonight?"

"She might as well," Sam replies. "Paul, come on. We have patrol."

Paul grumbles, which earns a laugh from Billy as he leaves. Sherry does know about the legends and that they're true, she is still heartbroken over the fact Billy chose to be Sarah's wife instead of friend or sibling.

Sam picks AJ up, earning a whimper in argument. He chuckles lightly and carries her to the room Emily set up for her. It's Abigail's room. Not a guest room, it's just AJ's. The alpha lays her down and he goes down to chat with Billy a while since Jared went back to Kim's.

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