08: Birthday Party and Phasing

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( media = AJ's Wolf)

        AJ walks downstairs and Sam hands her a piece of paper riff away. It's an invite to Isabella Swan's birthday party at the Cullens. Several months have passed since the dance and it's now September.

"Are you going?" Sam asks the sixteen year old as a now wolf Quill walks in.

"I want to," AJ admits. "Bella actually invited me."

"You can go ahead," Sam says and Emily hands the girl her keys. "You got your license, but take her easy."

AJ nods and she goes upstairs. She puts on a red dress that falls to her knees, a denim jacket, some feather earrings, and some brown boots that reach her knees. She heads out and drives the Jeep to Forks. The address to the Cullen's house was on the invite.

AJ parks behind a massive Jeep and she gawks at the house. Abigail pushes her worries aside and she walks up, ringing the doorbell. A woman with golden-like eyes and s soft face opens the door.

"Hello, you must be Abigail," the woman coos. "I'm Esme."

"Please, call me AJ," AJ insists.

"The others aren't here yet, but come in," Esme coos. "You look lovely."

"Thank you," AJ says and she looks around the first floor. "You have a beautiful home, Mrs. Cullen."

"Call me Esme, dear," the vampire coos. "I take it your family told you the stories?"

AJ nods. "Yes, they did. But it's ok. I'm not scared."

Esme smiles and she leads AJ to a living room on the second story when a pixie like vampire skips in.

"Alice?" Esme rises an eyebrow. "Why are you home early?"

"I want to decorate for Bella's party!" Alice chirps. "Edward is going to jump her into his room."

"Uh-huh," Esme hums. "This is AJ, she's Billy Black's daughter."

Alice gasps and she smiles. "Hi, AJ! I'm Alice... want to help me?"

It's officially party time. AJ has met Emmett and Travis, but she gets along better with Emmett, he's like a giant puppy and a baby mixed. Travis is to... Serious. Jasper is as attractive as AJ remembers. Carlisle adores AJ. Rosalie is hesitant, which everyone in the coven expected.

"Happy birthday, Bella," Carlisle says as the brunette - whom has grown kind of closer to AJ over the past few months - comes downstairs. "We tried to reign Alice in."

"Like that's possible," Esme coos and she hugs Bella. "Happy birthday, Bella."

"Thanks," Bella says awkwardly.

"It's present time!" Alice chirps and hands Bella a box. "It's from Emmett."

Bella shakes it but not a sound is heard. She rises an eyebrow at the huge vampire.

"Already installed it," Emmett muses. "It's only a decent sound system for that piece of ju..."

"Hey," Bella cuts hin off, "don't hate the truck."

Rosalie steps forward and hands Alice a small box. "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out."

"Thanks," Bella mumbles, AJ hands her one.

Bella pulls a box from the bag and it's a charm bracelet with fangs on the charm. She laughs and thanks the Black.

"Open Carlisle and Esme's next," Alice chirps as she skips over, handing the tightly wrapped box to Bella.

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