18: Attacks in Seattle

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          Abigail is sitting on the couch with Jasper in the Cullen's home. Jasper has an arm casually wrapped around Abigail's chest, but in a respective manner as he watches the news in a very low volume to where he can hear it only and Abigail can focus on the paper. Abi and Jasper have been together for about a month now.

"Things in Seattle are getting worse," Abigail mutters.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asks in a calm voice as he watches the news.

"The killings," Abigail says. "Look..." she hands him the paper.

Jasper grabs the paper as Rosalie walks in, and sits in a chair as Emmett soon joins. Jasper reads the article about the attacks in Seattle and he hums.

"Let me see," Emmett says as he walks over. "Man," he grumbles as he reads the article, "they really are getting worse. Jasper, do you think it's a human's doing?"

"I have no idea, it's possible at this point," Jasper replies. "But one cannot be sure in the towns of Seattle, Port Angeles, or Forks."

Alice and Travis soon walk in and Travis takes the paper from Emmett.

"Can I finish reading the paper?" Abigail asks in announce, Jasper smirks at her annoyed emotion. "Please?"

Travis finishes the article and hands the paper to the wolf. "Sorry, love." He goes to the kitchen while Alice sits at Abigail's feet.

"It's good to see Jasper actually happy for once," Alice claims and Jasper easily flares at her. "I don't mean that in a bad way, Jas. You were so lonely since your turn and now... You're happier."

"What about these Seattle attacks?" Abigail asks.

"I'm keeping an eye on my visions, and so is Edward," Alice claims. "If it's something bad, you and the pack will know. Okay?"

"Okay," Abigail says as she sighs. "I have to get home, tell Sam I saw more attacks."

Jasper stands with his mate and he walks her out to her newer Nissan Altima that she got as a gift from her what friend, Jared. The vampire kisses his werewolf girlfriend before he goes back inside in a flash. Abigail smiles before she drives home.

"Sam!" Abigail calls as she enters the house.

"He's patrolling," Paul grumbles as he lifts his head, he's laying on the couch. "What's so urgent, little Black?"

That's better than what he called her when she first got with Jasper : Leach Lover. Abigail kicked his butt, and he didn't say another word about it. Now it's Little Black again.

"There were more killings in Seattle," Abigail sans as she sits on Paul's legs, he allows it. "It's happening closer together, Paul. I think it might be vampries."

"What does your vampire family think?" Paul asks, he says the word 'vamprie' slowly because he's used to using bloodsucker or leach.

"Alice is keeping an eye out for suspicious visions," Abigail replies as Sam walks in. "Travis and Emmett agree with me, that it might be vampries. Jasper isn't sure."

"What's going on?" Sam asks curiously as he pulls a T-shirt over his head.

"More Seattle killings," Paul states as he rests an arm lazily over Abigail's legs. "Could be human eaters."

"When the Cullens find out, let me know," Sam says to Abi.

"I will," Abigail says and she sighs. "These killings have me worried."

"Emily, too," Sam replies as he finally sits, relaxing as he stretches his legs across the wooden floor. "It'll all work out on the supernatural end, I'm sure, AJ."

Abigail smiles, Sam hasn't called her that in a while. She goes to the kitchen and she helps Emily cook dinner for a hundred, even though this only the pack eating and her.

"I appreciate the help, Abi," Emily coos. "Are you seeing Jasper again tomorrow?"

"Of course," Abigail says as she stirs the cornbread mix. "I don't think either one of us can do the distance thing again."

Jared comes walking in and he smirks at the women. "Hey, Emily. Hey, babygirl."

"Hey, doofus," Abigail replies as she pours the cornbread mix into a cast iron skillet and places it into the pre-heated oven. "How was patrol?"

"The usual, boring," Jared replies and he leans against the table. "Did you ready about the killings?"

"Yeah, I read it before Jasper, Emmett, and Travis stoke the paper," Abigail teases. "The killings are getting worse."

"I know," Jared says. "Have the Cullens keep an eye out on anything vampire related."

"Alice already is, and so is Carlisle," Abigail replies. 'I'm gonna wash up."

After supper, Abigail goes to her dad and Jacob's to sleep over. She's missed him.

"AJ, can I ask you something?" Billy asks as Abigail sits on the couch beside him, Jacob got him to the seat.

"Of course, dad," Abigail coos as she turns her body to face her father.

"Can you move back in here?" Billy asks. "I miss you terribly. You can go to Forks daily, and to Sam and Emily's. But I want you to live with me again."

Abigail nods and she smiles. "Of course."

"Help me in my chair," Billy says calmly.

Abigail uses her shifter strength to help her dad to his wheelchair and Billy goes to call Sam. Abi knows Jared will be upset but she has a feeling he will be over here every chance he got.

Abigail goes to her room and she smiles, she has missed this shack and she misses Jacob. She goes to Jacob's room, which is empty, and she puts on one of his tshirts over her leggings and she hogs Jacob's bed.

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