02: Bonfire at Sam's

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AJ wakes up with Paul's face right before hers. She rolls her eyes.

"You're attractive and I approve of you with my sister, but get out of my bed," AJ grumbles.

Paul smiles, his pearly whites revealed. "That's why you're my second favorite Black. After Rachel, of course."

"Of course," AJ muses and she gives Paul a pointed look.

Pail puts his arms up in surrender as he backs out of the fifteen year old's room, closing the door behind him. AJ smiles before getting up, and getting dressed. She tops her dark outfit off with a black jacket and she slips on her shoes before walking to the living room.

"Jacob's at Embry's," Billy announces. "Rachel left for Port Angeles but don't worry, I won't be alone. Charlie's coming over."

"AJ!" Paul calls from outside. "Come on already!"

"He's a bit impatient and a hot-head," Billy warns his daughter. "I'd hurry."

AJ nods, agreeing and she kisses her father on the cheek before leaving the house. Billy rolls onto the porch as AJ gets into the passenger's seat of Paul's truck. Billy sighs as the truck leaves and Charlie pulls up.

Paul pulls up to a beautiful house in the woods. It has an open door, revealing the wood interior. Paul looks at AJ, and notices how nervous she looks.

"C'mon," Paul coos. "You'll be okay, I got ya."

AJ nods and she follows Paul inside. A boy around Paul's height walks up, he's attractive and has the most beautiful brown eyes.

"AJ, this is Jared," Paul introduces. "Jared, this is Abigail Joan Black but if you call her Abigail, she will bite your head off so, call her AJ."

Jared smiles and he extends his hand. "I'm Jared Cameron."

"AJ Black," AJ says and shakes Jared's hot hands. "Ooh, your hands are warm... Is your body this warm?"

"Maybe?" Jared looks at Paul, who is smug.

"I'm tempted to hug you," AJ teases and another guy enters; this one has choppy hair, and some nice biceps. "Hi, I'm AJ."

"You're AJ?" The guy rises an eyebrow. "I'm Sam."

"Ah, so you're the apparent drug king / cult leader?" AJ asks with an amused smirk.

Sam smiles. "Guess so... Harry is on his way. Quill the third is out back, talking with my dad." He looks at Jared. "Get AJ settled, we'll get started in a few hours... Paul," Sam says and looks at his omega, "call Billy and tell him his girl's here safe."

Paul nods and he walks outside, pulling out a flip phone. Jared plops down on the couch, cracking his knuckles.

"Are you trying to look intimidating?" AJ asks.

"I'm trying to," Jared admits. "Is it working?"

AJ snorts and she shakes her head. "No... Is Emily here?"

Jared grabs AJ's wrist and rugs her into the kitchen, where Emily is cleaning. "Em, this is AJ. Billy's daughter."


Emily turns and a large scar is revealed. AJ smiles.

"Hey," AJ replies. "I was... can I ask you for a favor?"

"Of course, sweetie, what is it?"

AJ is about to answer when Paul walks in.

"Harry's here and said Leah changed her mind about you coming over," Paul says as Harry follows him in.

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