30: A crush's kiss and a broken hand

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        Abigail patrols through Forks while Bella heads down to La Push; the human decided to skip school and spend the day there. The silver wolf stops when she sees Edward.

You ok with Bella being in La Push with my brother? Abigail asks him.

Edward sighs. "I don't trust him."

He's my twin and I love him, but I don't trust him with Bella. Abigail replies as she nudges Edward's side. Bella's messing with Jacob's feelings, it's making me very upset. And he wonders why I don't like her.

Edward smiles. "You have a wild mind, Abigail Black." The cold hand of the vampire runs through the silver fur and he sighs. "Can I assume I'll be seeing you when you finish patrol?"

Oh, certainly, Abigail replies. Be sure to warn Emmett. He's on for that video game challenge.

"I will warn him," Edward promises and he's gone in a flash.

Abigail huffs and she continues on her way. She knows she won't see Bella, because she's down in La Push with Jacob. Again. Abi is glad she had a moment with Jacob the previous night before Bella came back in the picture. Unfortunately, AJ knows it'll be a while before she has a twin moment with Jacob again.

Abigail misses Jacob.

Abigail goes to the Cullens mansion after her patrol in wolf form, she has no clothes. Emmett rushes out and hugs the wolf.

"Hey, little wolf," Emmett greets casually, he's holding clothes in his hand. "Want these?"

Abigail growls at Emmett's playful ways, Jasper is laughing on the balcony as he watches their encounter. Emmett smirks as Abigail finally huffs and nudges her snout into Emmett's arm that's holding the clothes.

"Here," Emmett says and he howls them out.

Abigail takes them with her canines and trots into the shrubs. Right as she phases back, Jasper is in front of her. The vampire gives AJ a loving kiss before he steps back in order for her to get dressed, which she does.

Jasper grabs Abigail's hand before they head inside to find Carlisle on the phone. He looks rather amused and annoyed, both.

"He's talking to Edward," Rosalie points out. "Your brother kisses Bella and she punched him."

"She punched a werewolf?" Abigail asks, rising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Edward is bringing her here," Carlisle says as he hangs up. "Hey, Abigail. It's nice to see you. You see anything on your patrol through Forks?"

"Nope, nothing new," Abigail replies as she leans against the counter, looking at the coven. "This sucks; the not knowing and the waiting."

The sound of a car pulling up catches everyone's attention and Edward comes in with Bella. Everyone is in Carlisle's large study, lounging. Abigail is actually reading a medical book, she plans to study under Carlisle to become a doctor. Soon. Jasper is hunting with Travis and Alice. Rosalie is sitting on the leather sofa with Emmett and Abi.

Carlisle examines Bella's hand and diagnoses it as broken then wraps it.

"What did you do again?" Emmett asks the human casually.

"Punched a werewolf in the face," Bella replies.

"You're gonna make one badass newborn," Emmett muses and Rosalie scowls.

"Who would want to be a living dead thing?" Abigail mutters. "No offense guys, I love you all, but I love my heartbeat."

Rosalie smiles adoringly. "I miss mine."

Abigail jumps up and drags Emmett out to the balcony, outside the kitchen. Abigail leans agaisnt the railing and she eyes Emmett, who is looking around like a kid on Christmas before his eyes finally land on his favorite wolf, his new little sister.

"What's up, little wolf?" Emmett asks as he leans against the railing beside her, he gazes down at the quiluette female.

"What's your story?" Abigail asks. "You never told me."

"I was out hiking, in Tennessee - which is where I'm from," Emmett muses as he smiles. "The bear came out of nowhere. Literally. I was mauled and Rosalie... I thought she was an angel when she found me and brought me to Carlisle."

"He turned you because you were dying," Abigail says with a sigh. "None if you had a choice, did you?"

"No, we didn't," Emmett replies. "Alice also wasn't turned by Carlisle... None of us know who turned her, she hardly remembers. She woke up in an asylum in Mississippi, I think."

"I did, Mississippi is right," Alice chirps as she jumps up, returning from the hunt with Travis and Jasper. "I woke up in an asylum, and fled. A vampire. I don't remember my human life. But every single day, I wish I did."

Abigail grabs Alice's hand and she smiles at her. "You're great, Alice. You're still my sister, rather you remember being a crazy human or not."

Alice giggles, her mood lifting just as quickly as it fell. Alice drags Abigail inside and to her room to talk about decorations for the upcoming graduation party.

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