42: Chilling with Paul

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Abigail knocks on the door of the Lahote household and a squeal lets her know Anne looked through the poop hole. The door opens and Abigail is being squished by some arms and the heavy aroma of French vanilla. It's a pleasant, homey smell, so Abigail isn't complaining.

"Come in, come in!" Anne Lahote urges as she steps aside, and Abi enters the Lahote home. "Paul should be home shortly, he is at Sam and Emily's place right now. I will call and tell him that you're here. You can wait right on the couch in that living room."

Abigail nods and she walks into the living room. Abi adores Anne and Paul's home. The living room is spacious. There is a floral cloth couch with a matching chair and love seat on either side of it, looking like a robotic 'u' or something. There's a tv against the wall where someone can see from which ever seat they chose.

There is a fluffy rug with the Quiluette tribe symbol sewn into it. The floors are hardwood and the walls are a creamy white color.

"Paul's on his way," Anne says as she carries a platter with a tea pit and sugar cubes on it. "Want some tea while we wait?"

"Sure," Abigail says.

Anne suddenly gasps and she grasps Abigail's left hand. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"His name is Jasper," Abigail replies, Anne notices her eyes lighting up as she speaks about him. "He is the love of my life."

Anne smiles warmly and she releases Abigail's hand. "Congratulations, baby." She pours tea. "How many sugars?"


Anne drops two sugar cubes into the warm tea and she stirs it before she slides it across the coffee table. There is a cedar coffee table between the couch, love seat, and armchair.

Right as Abigail takes a sip, Paul walks in and clowsss the door behind him. His hair is soaked from the steady falling rain outside. He hangs his leather jacket on the hook, takes his boots off.

"I'm going to put on some dry clothes," Paul says to his mom and Abigail. "I'll be right down."

Anne smiles warmly at Abigail, AJ honestly has been seeing Anne more as a mom than the others on the Rez. She's gotten close to her. She adores Jared's mom Cheryl, but Cheryl isn't too fond of her. Anne... Anne has even told Paul that even if he doesn't marry Rachel, both Rachel and Abigail are her girls. Rebecca, too.

Paul soon returns in some loose fitting sweat pants and a black T-shirt. His hair is still damp as he sits in the arm chair.

"I'm heading to Forks to visit Charlie and Sue," Anne says as she stands. "I trust you will be sure nothing happens to my daughter, right?"

Paul smiles at his mom and nods. "She's in good hands, ma. Love you."

Anne smooches her son's damp hair and pants her hand on his chest. "I love you, too, son." She walks over and kisses Abigail's head. "And I love you, my daughter."

"I love you, too, mama Anne," Abigail says.

Anne smiles fondly before leaving.

"How was the patrol near the Cullens?" Abigail asks.

"I want to kill your brother," Paul replies. "He's team Bella."

"Hasn't he always been?" Abigail asks.

"Good point," Paul says. "Move to the couch. I need a pillow."

Abigail rises an eyebrow but she listens. Paul lays down and puts his head in Abi's lap. One of Paul's leg is draped over the edge with his foot on the floor and the other is thrown over the arm as his arm drapes over his face, hiding his eyes from the dim light in the house.

"I was just thinking..." Abigail says as she rests a hand on Paul's chest. "When you're alpha several years, I'll be your beta."

"Badass," Paul mutters with a smirk. "I have a serious question." Paul looks up and he meets his pack sister's eyes. "Why aren't you with the Cullens on this? You're engaged to Jasper."

"I told him I loved him but we can get married later on because I won't be apart of that," Abigail replies simply. "That thing will kill Bella."

"And Edward will turn Bella, breaking the treaty," Paul adds. "Sam is just waiting for the moment Bella's heart stops beating."

"So am I," Abigail replies honesty as she runs her fingers through Paul's hair.

"Oh, hey, keep doing that," Paul mumbles as Rachel walks in, she looks amused. "That feelsgooooooood."

"Paul," Abigail groans. "Shut up."

Paul smirks with his eyes closed and Rachel leaves, she leaves Paul and Abigail to bond. They haven't much apart from him and Sam. They haven't had alone time since before Bella and Edward's wedding whereas Rachel spent every day with him. They're even thinking about attempting to get back together, Rachel really misses being in a relationship with Paul.

Paul's loud and obnoxious snores soon fill the house and that's when Anne returns.

"Awe," Anne coos as she drapes a blanket over her sons torso. "You two rest tight." Anne kisses both their heads and goes upstairs.

Abigail continues combing her fingers through Paul's hair as she thinks about how much this will destroy Edward. Abi actually does like Edward, and Bella's death will kill him.

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