13: Bye-Bye, Laurent.

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            It's been another month, it's officially March. Abigail is doing better, she's been sleeping in Jasper's room in Forks. Sam and the elders tell her she can, even when / if they return, they'll just discuss it with Carlisle.

The silver wolf of AJ meets Sam, Jacob, Paul, Jared, and Embry in a clearing in La Push. They're all patrolling today, because of Laurent. On their last week's patrol, Jared and Abigail smelled the familiar vampire, and made sure their alpha knew. 

Are we ready? Sam asks in mind-link, each of his wolves in his pack agree. Let's go.

The wolves trot through the woods and they come across Bella alone in a clearing. Jacob and Abigail get somewhat closer, but they stay out of sight. The only reason Abigail is closer because she sees Laurent right in front of her.

Don't act yet, Sam demands. Let's see what he does. AJ, is that the vampire who's been infatuated with you?

The silver wolf nods as Jacob gives her a look, Abigail never told him how Laurent has been obsessed with her. Laurent speeds up to Bella and goes to kill her, Abigail growls and Laurent tenses, fear filling his crimson eyes.

The wolves leave the woods and Laurent gasps.

"No..." he exhales and runs.

Abigail and Sam are closing up on him and Abigail prounches, landing on the vampire. She snaps her teeth at him as Laurent attempts to fight her off. She finally gets ahold of her head with her mouth after Sam tells her bella ran home.

Abigail bites Laurent's head off, literally. She phases and puts on a shirt Paul brought, its like a dress on her. She lights a match from her bag and burns the vampire.

"I am sorry, Laurent," Abigail coos in a bittersweet tone. "You will not be missed."

She removes the shirt and phases. Embry nudges her and Abigail takes off running, Jared takes off after her. Sam shakes his wolf head, amused by how Jared and Abigail act. He's honestly glad Abigail is doing good, and all it took was her sleeping in Forks.

Abigail phases in the bushes at home and changes into some short shorts, a black spaghetti strap and some vans before she enters. She knows Emily laid  the clothes out. She hasn't had to go shopping for Abigail since the end of February. AJ tries to make sure she strips before phasing, it annoys Emily when the pack members rip their clothes. She shop for Sam, a lot.

"Hey, honey," Emily greets. "Thank you for not ripping your clothes."

"I know how upset it makes you," Abigail replies with a gentle smile before she grabs a muffin. "We saved Bella Swan today."

"Really?" Emily asks, raising an eyebrow. "Vampire?"

"That one who was obsessed with me, the French one named Laurent," Abigail says. "I got to bite his head off his shoulders and burn him. The vampire had it coming."

"They're bloodsuckers," Paul says as he saunters in, only in cut off shorts.

"Watch your mouth!" Emily scolds. "Her impirnt's a vampire."

Paul smirks. "Sorry, AJ. I keep forgetting."

"Babygirl, that was freaking beautiful!" Jared blasts as he lifts Abigail up in a tight hug. "That was beautiful; your very first vampire kill. Wasn't it beautiful, Paul?"

"It was, actually," Paul replies and he looks at Abigail. "That was beautiful."

"You killed your first bloodsucker," Sam says as he enters the house, he's in a tank top. "How do you feel?"

"Relieved and free," Abigail winks. "And he was a vampire."

"Vampire, bloodsucker... what's the difference?" Sam asks, he's messing with her - he knows about Jasper.

Abigail sees the amusement in his eyes and she sizes him up. "A blood sucker would have killed us the second they saw us. A vampire runs in fear of us."

"This is why you'll be Paul's beta," Sam muses. "You're as evil as he is."

Paul laughs as he nods. "That is totally true! Unfair, but true."

AJ runs upstairs and changes into some black yoga shorts, a blue tank top, some knee length socks, and some femmes shorts

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AJ runs upstairs and changes into some black yoga shorts, a blue tank top, some knee length socks, and some femmes shorts. Abi puts her hair into a tight pony tail and grabs her soccer back and heads downstairs.

Paul and Jared's faces light up when they see Abigail's athletic wear and the soccer ball. Jared jumps upon and he runs out back. Paul house out front to get Embry and Quill, and Jacob. Abigail's team consists of herself, Jared, and Jacob. Paul's team is himself, Embry, and Quill.

"Let the games begin!" Sam says, he's wearing a black cargo shirt and some jean shorts, he's the referee.

AJ starts the game off, and the teams are all having a black until Emily calls out, saying dinner's ready. Abi's team won and Paul is pouting like a baby, which is absolutely hilarious to Abigail.

Emily cooked enough to feed an army, which is what the pack normally eats. Emily had made herself something and ate while she cooked; the human knows how the pack likes their food. It keeps their energy up, plus they're all celebrating Abigail's first vampire kill.

After dinner, Abigail phases and goes to the Cullens place in Forks again. She has left the back door open so she can enter, so that's where AJ goes in. The silver wolf trots up the stairs until she reaches Jasper's bedroom and she lays in the floor. The wolf lays her head on her front legs and falls asleep in the now familiar room.

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