48: The Red Coats Are Coming

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Each coven stands across the snow covered filled, Alastair is blessed to be with the Olympic coven. Jacob's pack is standing with Sam's. Abigail is beside Paul's wolf, as always.

"The red coast are coming, the red coats are coming..." Abigail can't tell rather it was Garrett or Alastair who said that.

Sam snaps his teeth to his pack, telling them to stay back unless they need to. A line of black cloaks appear across the field, the wolves see them clearly much like the vampires.

Carlisle and Aro speak first, Sam mind-links Abigail to tell her which one is which as they speak. Sam points out who Caius and Marcus are, too. Caius Volturi looks very intimidating, even if he hardly ways 125 soaking wet. Marcus... He makes Abigail sad, his whole demeanor brings her down.

Aro asks to meet Ness. Bella looks at Jacob, who walks forward with Edward, Ness, and Emmett. The child is in good hands with those three. Abi trusts Emmett, Edward, and Jacob.

When close to Aro, Ness reaches her small hand upward and Aro kneels in curiosity and let's the smaller hand touch his cheek, memories of her birth and Bella's death flood the vampire royalty's brain.

When Aro still wonders if Ness being both human and a vampire is a treat, Alice and Travis leave the woods. Seeing Alice thrills Aro because he wants her to join his guard. Paul nudges Abigail, and she nudges him back. Sam watches them with fatherly eyes before refocusing on what lies ahead.

Aro's eyes are wide and horror filled as he relates hand, dropping it as if it were laced with acid and he were human.

"Now you see what happens if you choose to fight," Alice chirps.

The fact Aro backed down from the fight annoyed Caius heavily, but it doesn't phase Marcus. Abigail thinks nothing would phase that Volturi king. Alastair looks back at the silver wolf.

"We did it," he mouths. "Told you so."

The wolf rolls her eyes and Alastair turns back to where he was looking. Irina was killed as punishment for proving a false accusation agaisnt a coven of vampires. The Denali coven were broken about but they understood.

The witnesses have all decided to stick around for the Hale / Black wedding. Carlisle offered everyone somewhere to stay while Alice busies herself with wedding plans once more.

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