35: Some training

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         Abigail trots around the familiar field, the familiar clearing. This clearing is where she and Jasper had made up and now, it's where the pack and the Cullens will be training to hold up in the fight against the newborns.

Abi phased and beat everyone else here, she wanted to be extra punctual just for the fun of it. Emmett always teases her for it. A crunch in the trees makes Abigail growl but she stops when she spots Jasper, Travis, and Alice walking out of the woods with their arms raised.

"We come in peace," Travis says jokingly.

The silver wolf grunts and she sniffs around and she smells the others. She trots up to Jasper to stay close and he pets her fur. The family all smile at their affection for each other as they wait for the now late arrival of the pack.

Eventually, they show up with Sam up front. Jacob's russet wolf stops by Bella, and Abigail's wolf literally rolls it's eyes as Jared and Paul sit beside her. Jared is next to Sam, Paul is next to Jared, and Abigail's next to Paul.

"They didn't trust us enough to come in human form," Edward says. "Abigail is in wolf form because the pack is family and it is her obligation... Wow, Abigail, big word."

The wolf growls and Paul nudges her, shutting her up. Abigail looks to her other side, Embry is there. Embry will end up being her beta when she is alpha, and Quill would become the new omega.

How do they differ from you? Sam asks through his kind.

"They want to know how they differ from us," Edward says to the others.

"They are a great deal stronger than us," Carlisle explains. "They still have human blood lingering in their veins."

Jasper jumps in with his explanation about the newborns and his first practice fight is with Emmett.

Abigail watches as Bella stops Jasper from walking any further, and she ends up jumping down from the hood of Emmett's Jeep. Abigail isn't jealous, she trusts Jasper completely.

Want to practice, Gail? Jacob asks his sister.

Abigail's wolf head nods and she joins Jacob in the middle of the clearing. They prounce at each other and roll around as jasper tells Bella his story about Maria and the army of vampries she tired him to train. 

The wolves are now watching Travis and Alice train, as well as Edward and Carlisle. Alice and Rosalie train after miss clairvoyent is done with her husband. Abigail trains with Paul, the two hot heads going head-to-head. Sam has always really wanted to see this after she and Paul fought when Bella found out the secret. 

Bring it on, you little hothead, Paul muses mentally, making Edward smirk at them.

Abigail pounces.

After training, Abigail goes back to La Push with the pack. She told Jasper she was going to try spending a few days with the pack, she hasn't done it in a while. She's usually with the Cullens. Jasper completely understood, the pack is Abigail's family.

They all end up at first beach where the pack is playing soccer. Abigail is on a team with Sam, Jared, and Paul. Leah is with Quill, her brother, and Embry because she didn't want to be on her ex's team. Emily is with Rachel and Kim, the other imprints.

Paul and Rachel never got back together, being imprints also means they can be best friends. Which is what they are now. Abigail finds it honorable.

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