46: Meeting more family

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          Everyone is gathered around the Cullens. Carlisle's old friend Garrett, Abigail likes him. The Denali were back, Kate hasn't left abigails side much, and that means Garrett did too. There several others, even some from the amazon.

But there's one that peaked Abigail's interest. Alastair. He was a friend of Carlisle ages ago. He's a quiet character. He reminds Abigail a lot of herself before she phased. She heard him tell Carlisle he was going to the attic.

Abigail walks until she bumps into a brunette vampire with crimson eyes. "Oh, sorry."

"You're fine," he says urgently. "I'm Benjamin. I'm from the Egyptian coven."

"Abigail, the Uley pack out of La Push," Abigail says before bailing.

Abigail walks up to the attic and she smirks as she smells the human feeder. Alastair remains in his sport, he knew he would be followed but didn't expect the female wolf.

"I must ask..." Alastair's voice draws out slightly. "Why did you follow me, Abigail Black?"

"You... make me curious," Abigail replies, staying near the stairs and respecting the space the vampire wishes for. "You remind me of me."

Alastair comes out of the shadows

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Alastair comes out of the shadows. The dirty blonde is in a long fur coat with a knitwear sweater under neath, some fingerless gloves, boots, dark jeans, and an olive green shirt that has a hood under near the warmth items. Eyes dark. He recently fed.

"I remind you of yourself?" He inquires as he keeps a distance, The Cullens and Kate are listening. "How so?"

"You remind me of me before my phase," Abigail confesses as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other. "I was to myself, a loner, didn't like anybody. I'm still like that..."

Alistair chuckles, genuinely. "You're a hothead then, I presume?"

"Ask my alpha," Abigail claims. "Took months to keep my temper under control. Especially when the new Mrs. Cullen was still a human. Just the sight of her sent me over."

Alastair slowly steps forward and he looks at her. "I like you, Abigail Black. I don't know what it is but I will say this... that Jasper is a very lucky fellow." He sighs. "You wish to sit with me for a while?"

"Actually," Abigail says as she carefully takes Alastair by the hand, "Kate is testing Bella's shield power with her own badass one. Want to watch?"

"How do you assume we do that, Miss Black?" Alastair asks in an amused tone.

"You're a vampire and can jump really high," Abigail muses. "Fly is to a tree."

Alastair suddenly grabs Abigail and jumps across the yard, landing on a branch. He sees a white colored wolf, Leah. Leah looks up and meets Alastair's and her ears flatten and whimper leaves her throat.

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