29: Disaster in the making

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         Abigail snuggles up with Jasper in the clearing, his bare chest sparkles under the sun. The sun is only peaking through the dark clouds, but it is beautiful. Abi runs her finger across Jasper's sparkling chest and looks in his eyes.

"Shall we return before Alice hunts us down?" Abigail asks. "She can't see my future because I'm quiluette."

"We better," Jasper agrees. "Alice would send Emmett to find us and you know how excited he gets over literally everything."

Abigail nods, she knows how Emmett can be. She has had first row seats to his excitement over silly things but he's like a gigantic baby. AJ sees the vamoire as an older brother.

"There's my little wolf," Emmett calls from the balcony with a wolf whistle. "Haven't seen you since you left for your pack meeting yesterday."

"Sam assigned extra patrols," Abigail claims as she and jasper head inside.

"I've decided to go ahead with the graduation party," Alice announces as she skips in, an annoyed and love filled Travis following behind her.

Abigail sighs and she looks at Jasper. "Disaster in the making."

Jasper chuckles and he looks at Alice. Instead of being angry, the perky vampire actually is actually pretty amused by Abigail's words. Not a sense of anger at all.

"It's good seeing you guys together again," Travis tells them as he sits beside Abigail, who is laying against Jasper. "This guy sulked a lot when you were mad."

"I'm still upset, but I forgive him," Abigail replies. "I couldn't fight the imprint bond anymore."

Jasper eyes Travis before he sighs. "I need to hunt. Will you be fine?"

"I have to head home and see dad," Abigail says. "I spent the night with you in the woods."

Jasper smiles before he flashes up and extends his hand toward Abigail. The wolf rolls her eyes before she takes it, and Jasper helps her up. Quickly picking her up, Jasper flashes out and jumps from the balcony. 

"You crazy vampire," Abigail mumbles before phasing.

Emmett wolf whistles from above. "There's my little wolf."

The silver wolf looks up at Emmett before running off in full speed. She comes across Sam half way through La Push.

Good morning, AJ, Sam greets her cockily, amused. Did you have a good night?

Abigail growls and Sam chuckles. The wolves nudge against one another before Sam continues his patrol and Abigail heads home. She phases and dresses before entering. Charlie is here.

"Hey, dad," Abigail greets.

"Where were you last night?" Billy asks her instead of greeting her.

"With Jasper," Abigail replies. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I fell asleep. I was intending to call but..."

"It's okay, I just didn't know where you were," Billy replies as he grabs his daughter's hand. "You were safe where you were. Last time I didn't know..."

"Dad..." Abigail warns; the last time Billy didn't where AJ was, was when she was fourteen and gang raped. "Don't."

"Am I missing something?" Charlie asks curiously, cop mode on.

"Just a family matter, Chief," Abigail coos. "Are you guys wanting fish tonight or meatloaf? I'll cook since Rachel's on campus."

Billy looks at Charlie and he looks at AJ. "Meatloaf tonight, my darling."

Abigail kisses her dad's head before heading to her room. She changes into some brown sweat pants and a black v-neck T-shirt before returning to the kitchen. She gets the breadcrumbs and hamburger meat before dicing onions.

"Why..., why are you cutting up onions?" Paul asks in a growl as he walks in. "My eyes are watering."

"Mine are, too, Paul," AJ muses. "I'm putting them in som meatloaf... Rachel's on campus for the week."

"I know, I wanted to hang out," Paul replies.

"You staying for dinner?" Abigail asks.

Paul laughs once, AJ already knew his answer before she asked. "Hell yes, I'm staying. You're a good good, AJ." He kisses the back of her head before he joins Billy and Charlie in watching the baseball game that's going on.

Abigail sighs before Jacob walks in. "Hey, Jake."

"Hey, sis," Jacob greets as Abigail begins mixing the ingredients for meatloaf together with her small hands. "You're making your famous meatloaf? Hot damn, I'm glad Bella's staying in Forks until tomorrow."

Abigail's smile falters. "Tomorrow?"

Jacob frowns, he knows AJ thinks Bella is stealing him. He walks over and kisses his sisters cheek. "She's not stealing me, Gail."

"Yes, she is," Abigail whispers as she gets the mix in a pan. "How long is she staying?"

"She's spending the afternoon here," Jacob replies as AJ puts the food in the oven. "Who do you think is behind the Seattle attacks?"

"I have my ideas," Abigail replies as she sits on the counter, Jacob is leaning against it right beside his twin. "I think it's the red-headed bitch."

"Victoria?" Jacob rises an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Jasper told me they killed her mate to protect Bella," AJ says, remembering Jasper telling her about the human eater named James. "My guess Victoria is killing because she wants their attention."

Jacob lays his head on his sister's shoulder and he lets out a yawn. "You're probably right."

"I have to patrol in Forks tomorrow," Abigail says in a hushed voice so Charlie doesn't overhear. "I'll probably stay there while Bella's here. I can't watch her steal you."

"Gail..." Jacob moves to where he's standing in front of her and he grabs his twin by the shoulders. "Bella is not stealing me from you, Abigail Joan. You're stuck with me, sister."

Abigail wraps her arms around Jacob's torso and rests her head against his chest as the twins hug. They hardly ever have these moments anymore. They're always busy with patrols or Jacob's with Bella. Abigail sees Jasper, but at nights. She'd like to see Jacob during the day, at least.

Jacob sighs into the hug as he has his arms wrapped around Abigail. Paul walks in but pauses at the sight. He smiles, he's glad they're finally having a twin moment. These extra patrols are effecting everyone. Bella Swan being around more is effecting the bond between a set of twins, Jacob and Abigail Black.

"Billy," Paul says as he enters the living room, Charlie left. "Look in the kitchen... Your twins are having a moment."

Billy's eyes literally light up as he quickly rolls toward the kitchen, he finds Jacob and Abigail hugging like they used to as kids before Bella moved home. The elder smiles wide, glad to see his kids having a moment. Billy returns to Paul.

"Don't interrupt then," Billy instructs. "You never know when that will happen again."

"Was a sight, wasn't it?" Paul muses, he actually liked it - he adores Abigail, sees her as a sister.

Billy smiles and he nods. "It really was... I wish Sarah were here to see it."

Paul nods, understanding. "I know..."

"I got worried last night when I didn't know where she was," Billy says. "She was fourteen the last time I..."

"You don't have to finish..." Paul cuts him off, really not having enough in him to relive Abigail's story. "I know. But as much as I despise them, she is safe with the Cullens and Jasper."

Billy sighs but nods. "I know she is."

Abigail takes up a nightly patrol to cover tor Jared, his mom - Cheryl Cameron - is sickly. Billy knows where she is. AJ is patrolling in La Push tonight, she's taking Jared's usual patrol.

She comes across Embry, who is patrolling with Abigail tonight. The wolves nod to one another before getting busy with patrolling the area.

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