I Didn't Mean To

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Chapter 02: I Didn't Mean To

"Hey chubs. Can you see your feet yet?"

"Oh, Adeline. I've been meaning to tell you that my dad opened a gym, you should try going. Everyday."

"Yuck. Who let the cow out the barn again?"

I sigh as I keep my head down, walking straight into my English class.

Greeting the teacher, I sit down in my desk, putting my earbuds in.

A hand slams down at my desk and I don't bother to look up, already knowing who it is.

"Have you seen, Easton?" The girl slurs, running her manicured nails across my notebook.

"Why would I see your boyfriend, Brianna?" I mumble, keeping my head down.

"Don't play dumb, Adeline. You live across from his house." She spits, causing me to look up at her.

"No. I haven't seen Easton, Brianna. I'm sure he'll be here soon." Speaking calmly, I watch her turn her back to me, flipping her hair.

I copy her, pushing my hair behind me.

The other students start filing into the classroom, sitting around me.

"Welcome, class. Who's ready to learn?" My teacher speaks enthusiastically, sitting on the edge of his desk.

Midway through class, I hear my stomach start to growl and I take a bag of chip out my bag, popping a few small ones in my mouth.

"Should she be eating those? She does know that fat girls shouldn't be eating such unhealthy things, right?"

I hear a girl whisper behind me and I bite my lip, keeping my tears in.

I'm not necessarily fat, but hearing those things still hurt.

An awful lot.

I put my food away, hunger completely leaving me and the bell rings soon after.

"Everybody let fatty Addy out, wouldn't want her getting to class late." Brianna taunts as I sling my bag strap over my shoulder, keeping my head down.

Before I'm even able to make it out the room, Brianna pushes past me. She looks around before finally finding her boyfriend, calling him over.

I try my best to walk around them before he's able to come, dreading what will happen when the two of them get together.

I don't move fast enough, I'm guessing. Easton's hand is already next to me, pushing me as I fall.

"Always in the way, Adeline." He tsks, walking away with his friends. "At least the fat protects your fall, doll."


"Baby sis? How was school?"

"Same old, same old." I shrug, giving my big brother a small smile.

"You need to stop beating yourself up, darling. It's not good." Kaleb tells me, flashing a smile.

"Kaleb, you know I have to."

"I don't get why mom and dad have made you do that your whole life. It's hurting you." My brother pulls out the driveway, turning in the direction to drive home.

I'm a Sophomore in high school, and half of the kids in my classes have been in school with me since middle school.

My brother Kaleb is a Junior, but he's two years older than me. Kaleb surprisingly understands me, I don't know if it's a sibling thing, but he's there for me when I need him.

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