Back To Normal

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Chapter 54: Back To Normal

I want to ask her out.

I want to ask Adeline to be my girlfriend and let us fall in love as time progresses.

I want her to be my high school sweetheart.

Do people still say that?

When we were in middle school, things were just black and white.

No questions asked.

But now I'm so confused.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I prepared to leave my room before something keeps me there, I don't want to miss the chance.

"East? West? North? South?"

"Yes, Adeline?" I chuckle, spinning on my heel to look at her.

Adeline was dressed in a yellow track suit, one that hugged her figure perfect and it made me-

What am I thinking?

"Whatcha doing?" She exclaims in a singsong voice, leaning back on the wall.

"I'm going to the gym. Why?"

"Can I come? I'm so bored!"

"Sure. I'm leaving now though."


"There's a hundred and four days of summer vacation. And school comes along just to end it. But the annual problem of our generation, is finding a good way to spend it."

"Shut up."

"You're just mad that you can't sing." Adeline sticks her tongue out, placing her bag down on the floor.

"No. Why did you wear that?" I grumble, looking at the yellow track suit.

"It's not inappropriate. Calm down."

She turns the treadmill on before getting on as I take my hoodie off, following her shortly after.

"So, what's going on in your life?" Adeline giggles while looking at me, her eyes looking below my face.

"I'm glad things are going back to normal."

"What do you mean? Things are always normal."

"I mean us. I enjoy spending time with you." I state truthfully, watching her cheeks turn red.


Biting my lip, I turn away from her to adjust the speed, beginning to run.

Adeline turns around on the machine she's on before walking backwards, probably trying to get a better view of what I was doing.

"Eyes are up, Addy."

"Tell that to yourself." She laughs as I hold my head down, looking at her waist.

I want my hands th-

Why am I thinking these things?


"It's fine. Things really are back to normal." She shrugs, licking her lips.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because, you're just as much a pervert now than when we were younger."

Adeline starts giggling uncontrollably before stepping off the treadmill, walking to where she put her bag.

Continuing to run, I watch as she drink her water, her eyes closing slowly before reopening, looking glossier now.

She tilts her head to look at me before smiling and I feel my heart tug. "What bro?"

"I sarang you." I mumble under my breath, scoffing.

"What was that?" Adeline walks back over to me, leaning against the handles of the machine as I slow down, feeling my ears heat up.


I don't love her.

I used to, but it's too early to figure that out again.

But is it true that once you fall in love you don't fall out of it? Because if it is,

maybe I do love you, Adeline.

But I need to figure out a way to ask her out. And soon too.


Author's Note:

Well, I have an idea but I'd like to hear from you!

What do you think he'll do to ask her out?

I think that's all I have to ask, sooooo


Also, I did not read this over. Okay that's all.

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