Avoiding Me?

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Chapter 62: Avoiding Me?

*one week later*

Looking around again, I make note of the fact that it was empty for once, which was extremely weird.

There was always someone bothering me.

Sitting at my regular table, I take my lunch out and start eating.

"Oh, there you are!" Jared comes running outside, completely out of breath as he sits across from me. "You weren't out here for long, right?"

"I just got here." I giggle.

Jared nods while texting someone, looking up at me from time to time. "That's great, that's great."

"Do you love her?!" A bunch of voices yell and I turn back, looking at my friends.

Still no Easton though.

"Awe, you do love her!" They bombard Nathan who was on the phone, all trying to speak to someone on the other line.

"Uh, guys?" Jared clears his throat and points at me and they look up, all of their faces showing a different emotion.

"You said you found her." Nathan exclaims, holding the phone from his ears.

"Obviously I did."

"Take her somewhere. That's embarrassing." Another guy, Matthias, sighs, pointing to the exit.

Despite the embarrassment he had, Matthias holds up the camera he had around his neck, snapping a picture of me.

"Come on, Addy. You get to hang out with me for the rest of the day."

"But I didn't finish eating." I mutter, packing up my food.

"We can eat it the hallway, come on."


"Can we go to East-"

"Nope!" Jared pushes me back down on the couch, changing the television channel.

In all honesty, Easton's been acting weird since last week, he refuses to look at me half the time.

He's been avoiding me too and I feel bad.

Did I do something I wasn't supposed to?

Jared taps me to get my attention and I look at him, grinning.

"Do you want popcorn?"

"I can't eat that." I tell him, smiling again to reveal my braces.

"Shit. I forgot, I'll order McDonald's instead."

Jared stands up and walks outside, leaving me by myself.

Probably going to Easton's house.

My brother walks in to take his place after some time, sitting on the couch and throwing his legs over mine.

"Where were you?"

"At Easton's house." Kaleb shrugs, applying more pressure on my legs.

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