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Chapter 42: Cornered

Three days have passed by since the kiss, all of them being torture.

Jared wouldn't stop asking me to kiss his cheek because "that's what friends do."

"I never knew that."

He really thinks I'm stupid when it comes to boys.

"Come on, Addy. Easton said it was fine. Right Easton?" He teases, nudging Easton.

Easton looks across the circle at me while biting his lip and I rush to look down.


Before he's able to finish, I rise up a bit, pecking Jared's cheek before sitting down again.

"There. Happy now?"

"Very." His eyes light up as he lays down on the floor, sighing in content.

Easton looks at me and I raise an eyebrow, trying not to look intimidated.

His pupils dilate as he scoffs, looking away.

"Easton's mad! You mad or nah?
Hahaha haha." Jared slurs, throwing his arms up before placing them above him.

"Shut up, Jared!"


On my way to go outside, I wasn't paying attention to the things around me.

Something pulls on my arm and I stumble into an empty classroom, bumping into Easton.

"Look, this isn't some tv show. Don't do that in here."

"Adeline? Shush." He mutters, placing a hand over my mouth.

"What?" My voice sounds muffled as I speak, looking him in his eyes.

Easton smirks before removing his hand, placing it on the back of my neck.

"I was thinking-"

"Shocking." I cut him off, smiling widely.

"I was thinking, if you kissed Jared. Why can't I get one too?" He mutters, playing with my hair.

"Hmm? Why would you want one?"

The other time was a mistake.

"I may or may not have lied. I just- you ran away last time. So I thought you thought we shouldn't have done it. But now I miss it."

"And who says I didn't think that?"

"Adeline, just give me a chance." He pouts, pressing his forehead against mine. "Please?"

I want it but that will complicate things even more.

Will it?

Snapping out of my thoughts, Easton brings me closer to him before kissing me, humming to himself.

He pulls away and I try to catch my breath, wiggling out of his hold.

He tightens his grip on me before kissing me again, trying to get a better response from me.

"I get jealous easily." He chuckles, waiting to kiss me again. "I wanted to do this since your date."


"That's all you're saying?"

"I guess."

Easton kisses me one last time before I push him away, walking out the room.

He follows behind me and pokes my back, making me flinch awkwardly.

I'm stupid for this.

But we'll see.


"I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drum."

I sing excitedly, dancing around the living room.

The front door opens and I check, looking at Kaleb and his friends as they walk in.

"Oh what a shame that you came here with someone." I sing to Kaleb, laughing nervously.

My brother's friends stare me down and I look at my body, pulling my shirt down a bit.

I was wearing an off-the-shoulder crop top with matching shorts, an outfit that I was only allowed to wear in the house.

When my brother's friends weren't here.

Easton chuckles while walking further into the house, stopping in front of me. "Pretty."

"Go change, Adeline!" Kaleb yells and I run away, going to my room.

Changing into an oversized sweatshirt and some shorts, I tie a belt around it before going back downstairs, looking at my brother.


"I'd prefer if you put on a snow suit but I guess." He shrugs, turning the television on. "Sit."

The guys were standing behind the couch as I sit on the right. They take their seats after and Easton pats my leg, signaling for me to move them.

He sits on the floor before shifting back, pushing my legs out on either side.

"Hi again." Easton makes a cute face and I roll my eyes at him, putting my hands on his head to turn it.

"Stupid." I mutter, patting his hair repeatedly.

He shakes his head in attempt to get my hands off but I hold a clump of his hair in my hand, not giving up.

"No. But I'll beat your ass if you keep doing that. Move."

"Well damn."


Author's Note:

I'm too lazy to read over and edit right now. Or most of the time.

If you see a mistake, tell me.

Feel free to vote and comment.

That's all I have to say. Bye

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