Show Yourself

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Chapter 06: Show Yourself

"Today's the day!"

"I dropped my sandwich."

"We can buy a new one when we get outside!" I tell her, putting my cardigan on.

"You look different." Marma examines me and I look down.

My stomach looked flat, hopefully she doesn't think-

"You're body is so cute! You've been faking?" Marma gasp, running over to touch my curves. "You're my body goals. All cap."

"Please, quiet down." I mumble, embarrassed as I fix my skirt. "If anyone asks, I don't look like this."

Closing the door behind us, I sit in my brother's car, waiting for her to come in.

"How old are you again?" Marma questions, sitting in the back seat with me.

"15. My birthday is December 15th." I tell her, confused.

"Oh wow. I'm older, February 9th." My friend laughs as my brother throws himself in the driver's seat, starting the car.

Marma's mouth hangs open as she stares at my brother through the mirror, but he keeps his eyes on the road.

My brother drives with one hand, the other one holding his chin.

"You're Marma, right? My little sister adores you." Kaleb laughs, looking at her through the mirror.

Marma laughs nervously, shifting closer to me.

"You're parents had very pretty kids, I'm jealous." She whispers, looking at the side of my brother's head. "Very jealous."

I laugh, pushing her away from me.

"Yes, I'm Marma!" She continues, her face turning darker. "You are?"

"Kaleb. Kaleb Fawn." My brother chuckles, running a hand through his hair. "We're here."

"Thanks, Kay." I giggle, pulling Marma out the car before she can do anything else.

"You didn't give me a chance to shoot my shot!" Marma cries, pushing the door of the mall open.

"That's my brother!"

"If things worked out, we could be sisters!"

"He's 17!" Punching her in the arm, I walk away into the closest store as she follows behind me.

"Age is a number! Not a barrier!"


"Let's buy you this."

"I can't wear that to school."

"Well why not?"

"It wouldn't fit over my padding." I mutter, rubbing my index fingers together.

"Why do you wear it?" Marma asks, putting the dress back on the rack.

"Because my parents make me."

"You should not wear it one day, you look a lot better without it."

"That's the whole point, Marma." I deadpan, taking an oversized shirt from another rack. "I could use this."

"How?" She tilts her head back to look at me, smiling.

"Pinch these ends, pull them inwards and pin. And then add a belt." I demonstrate, placing the hanger under my chin.

"That's cute."

"But I'd wear it around family only."

Marma gasp dramatically, causing me to glare at her. "Don't you dare. I want to see you wear it one week."

"I'm not going to look good in it, Mara." I sigh, not realizing what I just said.

"Mara? I like that nickname." Marma smiles, showing her gap.

My friend pulls out a short black dress that would look great on her, and a matching blue one.

"Let's go try these on."


"Oh lord Jesus, Addy. You're making me question my sexuality."

"I am? How?"

Mara spins around to show me her dress before stopping again, looking me up and down.

"That dress looks hot on you."

The dresses we had on had thin straps, but came with colored long sleeve shirts sewed underneath them. The dress showed off Marma's long legs very well, but I wasn't sure if it looked good on my figure.

"Thanks. I guess." I feel my face heat up as I walk back into the dressing room, changing back into my street clothes.

"We have to wear these one day. To show off our new friendship." Marma states once I walk out of the room, closing the curtain behind me.

"Are you sure about that?" I fret, licking my lips.

"Positive. Please, Adeline? For me?"

"Fine. Only because we're friends now."

"Yay! Let's go find some shoes to go with it!"


"Thanks for the ride. A hoe's tired." Marma laughs, closing the car door. My friend stops at the passenger side window, leaning against it to look at me brother. "Does Adeline have Twitter?"

"You could have asked me-" I begin to speak as she holds up a hand, signaling for me to be quiet.

My brother smiles as he runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, follow her @/addy_bear."

"Why is your username so cute?" Marma grumble before fixing herself. "Mine is @/marmaladesweet09. Well, bye now!"

Marma speed walks away to her front door, waving back to us once she opens the door.

My brother drives off, turning the music up to drown out my silence.

"You can sing if you want!" He yells, looking at me. "Sing, Addy!"

"I don't wanna play no games. Play no games." I sing, noticing my brother's surprised face. "What?"

"I missed your voice."

I missed it too.

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