On Lockdown

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Chapter 50: On Lockdown

*next week*


Brianna scoffs as she bumps into me on purpose, causing me to spill my water on her.

"I'm so sorry, here!" I rant, handing her my napkins.

I apologize only to settle things, not wanting to start anything.

"You better be, or else I'll get Easton for you."

"Are you guys best friends or something?" I mutter under my breath, not meaning for her to hear.

"He was in my dreams yesterday, so yes we're together. He never wanted you so don't be surprised."

I never mentioned anything about that but okay.

Walking away from Brianna, I sit down at my regular table, taking out my notebook.

"Uh, Adel-"

"No." My brother comes out of nowhere, resting his face in his palms. "Bye."

The person walking towards me leaves as Kaleb smiles innocently at me.

"Why didn't you come when Ms. Brianna was here?" I ask him, copying his pose.

"I just got outside. And she knows not to try anything, I warned her."

"Can I hang out with-"

"No. You're still on lockdown."

"You act like you're my dad." I grumble, crossing my arms.

"I basically am, darling." Kaleb chuckles sarcastically as he takes my bottle from me, drinking from it. "And I have a surprise later."


"Kaleb, what's going on?"

"Just things." He respond with a nonchalant attitude, smirking as the police push a man into the back of their car.

"You called the police on him?"

"Why wouldn't I? You're too scared to do it, so I handled it."

An officer walks over to us before bending down slightly to stand at my level.

"Hey kiddo. How are you feeling?" He smiles genuinely and I examine his face.

He looks familiar.

"I'm good."

"That's great, Adeline. He won't bother you anymore." The man says my name before ruffling my hair, causing me to take a step back.

Tilting my head, I question him. "How do you know my name?"

"I had a feeling you wouldn't remember me. I kinda fell off the face of the earth after the incident. Avani's dad, Uncle Matthieu."

His smile falters as he mentions her name, standing up straight.

"Oh. Thank you, then. And sorry."

"Don't be." Uncle Matthieu turns to Kaleb, taking his hat off for him. "Keep an eye on her. I'll drive around later."

"Thanks, uncle." My brother chuckles, accepting the hat.

He walks away to the police car before driving off, leaving the two of us alone.

"Inside. You're still on lockdown and we need to talk."

"Ugh," I groan, stomping into the house. "You do the most."

"Let's talk about Easton."

My brother's words make me stop in my tracks and I blush against my will, turning around to face him.


"I'll tell you my secret first if we talk? How about-"

"Go ahead!" I giggle, sitting down quickly to listen.

Kaleb runs a hand through his hair before smiling in embarrassment, looking down at me. "I asked Sasha out last week. She said yes. Now we talk?"

"Yeah, of course." I speak quickly, patting the space next to me. "That's so exciting."

"You know Easton likes you, right?"

"Your point is?"

"The guy's an idiot, yeah. But he cares about you." My brother shrugs and I give him a dirty look. "I punched him to get some sense in his brain."

My brother's accent surfaces more and I listen to him, not giving my input.

"...Easton has no reason to protect you anymore so he better get those things in his head. Before I do it for him."

"Sasha got bored the other day and made a vision board of you guys. It's kind of nice." Kaleb comments, taking his phone out.

He shows me the picture and I smile, sending it to myself.

One of pictures there was from the other day when they jumped me, Easton kissing my forehead.

"That's cute or whatever. But I was cute first." I giggle, flipping my hair dramatically.

"Yes, you were. But stop changing the subject." My brother pushes me slightly and I laugh even harder, doing the same to him. "You should try to talk to him. Please, I want you happy for once."

"Yeah okay. I'll try, but I make no promises."

"Good. Now go to your room."

Standing up from my seat, I gasp dramatically before walking away, muttering under my breath. "Dusty, crusty bum."

"Say that again and I'll knock you out too!"


Author's Note:

I think we might be getting somewhere again. What about you?

Well, question time! (it's just an update really)

Which character(s) do you hate, which one(s) do you like, or who do you want to see more off?

That's all for now.


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