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Chapter 26: Change

Walking into school today was extremely awkward, my brother walking directly in front of me.

Each time I tried to move around him, he simple pushed me back again and continued to travel.

"First class today?"

"English." I mutter, speed walking to catch up to him.

Kaleb and I finally stop in front of the class room and I pause, looking up at him.

"Go in. I'll wait outside until the class starts."

"Why don't you go do your own things?" I question, placing my hands on my hips.

"No." Short answer. "I'm not leaving until the bell rings."

"You're acting like a bodyguard."

"I am your bodyguard. Now goodbye."

Kaleb pushes me inside the room as Brianna comes walking up, staring her down. I hear her shriek before running into the room, not even looking at me for once.

Wow, I kind of like this.


"You're back again?"

"Shut up and eat."

"Why aren't you in class?"

"My trigonometry teacher doesn't want me and I already have the credits. I might just switch my lunch period." My brother shrugs, propping his head up with his hand.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I mutter, pushing my food away.

"Why? Did they say something to you?" Kaleb starts to stand up before I pull him back down, making him grumble under his breath.

"No, Kaleb, they didn't." I sigh, pushing a fry in my mouth. "Better?"

"Much. Now finish up."


Kaleb picked me up after every class today, dropped me off at my class after, and even stood outside of the ones that I had with my former bullies.

Currently, I was in my room curling my hair, not missing Kaleb's conversation from downstairs.

"Let her get rid of it!"

My brother yells and I place the iron down, rushing to leave my room.

Standing at the top of the stairs, I notice that Kaleb was on the phone, his face getting redder.

"I don't fucking care! It's hurting her emotionally." He pauses, puffing up his cheeks while listening. "Sorry, mom."

My brother looks up at me before pointing, telling me to go back in the room.

"Actually! I'm making her get rid of it... you guys are hardly ever here. Why does it matter?"

Removing the phone from his ears, Kaleb taps something before looking back at me, rolling his eyes. "I said to go in your room."

"I'm good." I respond, sitting on the step as he goes back to his call.

"At this point, I'm raising her myself. Where are you?"


"Fuck this!... Yes dad? Yeah, I punched him for her. It was great."

Kaleb laughs before his face turns serious again. "Adeline? She's doing homework."

He flashes his hand around and I sigh, walking away.

Kaleb continues to talk to our parents as I retreat into my room again.

Sitting at my window, I look outside, making eye contact with Easton.

"Oh hell no." I close my window again, sighing heavily.

My phone chimes and I pull it out my back pocket, reading a messages from Easton.

"Dusty, crusty bum."

Easton: I liked your lips. I'd do it again.

Me: no the frick you wouldn't

Easton: Wanna bet?

Me: no. now goodbye.

I shut my phone off and stand up, throwing myself face first onto the bed.

"Let's recap the weekend, Adeline."

I lost my first kiss, to a jerk at that.

I have a 'bodyguard' now.

And I may or may not have to talk to my parents about something I've done my whole life.

"Well, that's crazy."

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