Enjoy It

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Chapter 64: Enjoy It

"I want to see!"

"You saw it already."

"Who are you talking to, boy?" Mrs. Kim raises an eyebrow at her son, taking my hand in hers. "It's even prettier on you."

"Thank you."

Mrs. Kim lets go of my arm and I shake it off, turning back to Easton.

"So, what are we doing today?"

"We could go to a cafe."

"Say no more." I laugh, holding his hand.

"We'll be back, mom." Easton guides me out of the house, pressing a button on his car keys.


"Caramel latte!" I bounce in excitement, holding the cup in front of me to take a picture. "I could kiss it!"

"What about me?" Easton chuckles, pointing to himself.

"I already did that last night. You know."

I look up at my boyfriend to see his face, noticing the giant smile take over.

"Easton, can we go to the park after this?"

"Of course. That should be fun." He hums, not stopping to talk.

Continuing to look at my drink, I don't realize someone else coming around the corner.


The two of us bump into each other and my latte slips in my hand. Looking up, the girl trembles as the hot liquid seeps into her dress.

She looks like she's on the verge of tears.

"Oh gosh! I am so sorry! I'll buy you a new one." She stutters, apologizing quickly.

"It's okay. My fault." I apologize as well but she doesn't let it go.

"I insist. I should have been looking where I was going!"

The girl clutches the dress by the neckline, fanning it out to keep from sticking.

"Caramel latte? Stay right here, I'll get you a fresh one."

She begs before running away to the cafe, obviously frazzled by the encounter.

"She seems sweet." Easton grins as she steps inside and I nod. "I mean it in a friendly way."

"I feel bad."

"It's fine, Adeline. Just be careful next time."

Staring at the cafe door, she walks back out with a cup holder in one hand and a fancier cup in the other.

"Here you go." She chirps, smiling sweetly at me. "If there's a problem with it, just go in and say Roni-Ann ordered it for you and they'll fix it right away."

"Thank you." I smile back at her as she checks her phone, cursing lightly.

"I have to go now. Be safe! I hope you enjoy it!"

She walks away, proceeding to fan her dress out as she travels.

"She bought me a large!" I giggle, showing it to Easton. "And it's a souvenir cup! I love that girl."

"More than me?" Easton gasps, placing a hand over his heart.

"Way more than you."

We start laughing in unison before continuing our journey to the park, talking along the way.

Sitting on the end on the slide, Easton takes residence on ground.

"This day was fun." I sigh, looking up.

"It's going to get even better."

"And how is that?"

Easton grins while holding his phone up, showing me his notes. "A day of Easton. And food."

"I like the way you think."

I wouldn't have it any other way.


Author's Note:

Two more chapters left!! Yay.

Also, I put a tiny little peek of my new character for my next book.

So far, I've titled it Intern, it's more in my comfort zone with a rich guy so it will display WAY better writing from me.

(Hidden was great but I don't think it was my best work)

I will be announcing it when I actually publish but I hope you're able to read it. It would mean a lot to me.

Uhh, I think that's all for now.

Thank you and have a great day/night.


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