My Mistakes

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Chapter 11: My Mistakes

Dabbing the cotton against my eye, it was easy to notice the bruise starting to surface. My eye was swelling quickly and I applied ice to ease the throbbing.

How am I going to cover that hole though?

Exiting the bathroom, I sit on the couch, my phone in hand.

The photo album was the first app I went to, against my will though.

Soon enough I found myself going through my hidden photos, looking at pictures of...


What the hell is wrong with me? Adeline used to be the only person on my mind when I was younger. And then we grew up and I made more friends.

Friends who don't like Adeline.

Adeline Fawn was- she is- the only person who I talk normal with, but then I mess up everything during the day.

I've obviously lost the only person who doesn't know. The only person who gave me a chance to forget.

"I hate this."

Standing up from where I was, I drag myself upstairs and into my room. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I lay down, holding my phone above me.

A message from Brianna appears and I open it, rolling my eyes in the process.

Brianna: Hi baby

Me: Yes Brianna?

Brianna: I miss you

Me: I miss you more.

Brianna: I'm proud of you.

Proud? She's proud because I've done everything bad.

I scoff, not bothering to answer her as I change the app.

I guess Adeline was right.

I'm basically a puppet: following what everybody tells me.

But I'm the leader, so that means I do it by choice, not force.

Something, looking at Adeline in her broken state makes me hurt. Probably not as much as she does, but it feels terrible seeing her in the way I leave her.

So I just leave her.


Clearing my thoughts, I take my guitar out from its case, playing with the strings.

I start playing an old rhythm, one that I could have sworn I forgot.

Another sound catches my attention as I look up, directly out the window.

Adeline was sitting at hers singing, her eyes closed.

"If the world was ending would you know me now? If I kept on crying would you show me how?" She sings, her voice getting louder after each word. "If I really wanted you to let me down, would you let me down? I guess you let me down."

Her voice makes my heart ache as I continue to listen, playing random notes on my guitar.

I notice her side glance at me before mouthing something to herself.

"Birdie?" I call out, making Adeline jump in shock.

"Huh?" She pouts, her eyes still wide. "You haven't called me that in years."

"I know."

"Why are you talking to me?" Something clicks in her as she gets defensive, putting her pen down.

"Sorry, I just heard you singing. It's been a while." I cough, biting my lip.

"Oh. I'll stop. I'm sorry." Adeline starts stuttering and I laugh silently.

"No. Continue."

"Are you positive? I'm a bit embarrassed."

Adeline's face turns red as she rubs the bridge of her nose, looking away from me.

"I'm sure, Addy. Be my guest."

Adeline smiles slightly before closing her window and walking away, turning back around again to close the curtains as well.

She really hates me.

I shake my head and turn my back to where she formerly was, putting my attention on the instrument in my hand.

"I don't even care." I mutter to myself, running a hand through my hair. "She's just a bitch. I don't care."

But maybe I do.

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