Off Topic

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Chapter 27: Off Topic

Walking into school today, there was a level of uneasiness that could be felt, and it didn't go unnoticed.

This feeling went on in every class, all the way to Physics.

Sitting at my desk, I tap my fingers against the table, side glancing at the other side of the room.

Brianna and Easton were both sitting with their arms cross, not participating in their daily touching.

The teacher comes into the classroom and I fix my posture, looking at the board.

Marma looks back as me and I hold my head down, playing with my pen.

Not happening.


"What do you want?"

"I wanted to apologize."

"It's funny how you apologize after the effect."

"Oh come on, Adeline. Let me inside."

"I'm good." I mutter, pushing the door.

Marma sticks her foot in between the frame before pushing the door open, walking inside.

"I never invited you in."

"I invited myself in then." She shrugs, looking down at me. I ball up my fist to not look intimidated and she laughs, patting my head. "Cute."

"I wouldn't do that if I was you."

"Sounds personal. I'm sorry." She says with no emotion. "Say it's okay now."

"It's not." I shrug, turning my back to sit down.

Marma places her hand on my shoulder to turn me back around before she pulls my hair, making me wince quietly.

"You're such a bitch, like damn. Just so you know, I'm only here to get back on Kaleb's good side."

"What happened to you?" I ask her, pursing out my lips.

"Honey, this is kind of the reason I transferred schools. I tried to have a new life with you. But that didn't work."

"Oh." I murmur, looking down at my feet.

Marma groans before she takes a step back, pulling harder on my hair and I scream out in pain. "Good."

Footsteps can be heard before my brother makes an entrance, grumbling curses under his breath.

"What the fuck do you think this is?"

"Oh, Kaleb! I didn't- I didn't know you were here." She releases me and I stand up straight, massaging my scalp.

"I was washing my hair." Kaleb mumbles as he wraps a towel around his head properly, water still running from his shoulders.

"You couldn't put on a shirt?" I mouth to him and he rolls his eyes, stepping in front of me.

"I'm not going to ask again. What the hell were you doing?"

Marma starts laughing nervously as she pushes her braid behind her back, looking up at my brother. "I came to apologize. She forgives me."

In a second, the back of Kaleb's hand makes contact with her face and she tilts to one side, holding her cheek. "No, she fucking doesn't."

"You just hit me?"

"Would you like for me to do it again?"

Her eyes start to water as Kaleb pushes her towards the door, opening it and pushing her out completely. She falls onto the ground, hard, and my brother squats down to look at her.

"Did you not get the message on Saturday? Leave her alone, or god so help me, I will plan your funeral. Am I understood?"

"Y-yes." She stutters before standing up walking off the pathway.

"And get the fuck off my mom's grass." Kaleb growls and I tilt my head in surprise, watching as he comes back inside. "You good?"

"Yes sir."

My brother laughs as I salute, removing the towel from around his head.

"Please, stay in your room. I'm going to finish my business."


"Lala lala. Lala lala. Elmo's world."

"Shut up."

"Pardon me, but I wasn't singing for you." I scowl, looking at Easton. "What happened to you?"

"Other than my eye? Nothing." He grumbles, still looking at me.

"You and Brianna seem a little off, huh?" I tease him, throwing my legs outside the window to sit on the frame.

"I don't want to talk about her."

"That's tough."

The both of us stay silent for some time as I play with my fingers, humming to myself.

"I'm sorry for Saturday. And everything before that." Easton apologizes and I look back up at him, raising an eyebrow. "I mean it this time."

"Everyone's apologizing today. Shocking."

"Adeline, I'm not joking though."


"Addy? Are you still mad?" He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Nope. Bye, Easton."

I shift back inside before closing the window, waving at him and giving a sarcastic smile.

"People are funny."

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