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This is just a part of the first chapter of my new book.

I hope you find interest and are able to read.

(Intern is a romance book.)


"Of course then!" My sister exclaims, not waiting for my input.

"What if I don't want to work?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Too bad. She's in."

"Great, you'll start next week. Until then, au revoir."

Gina thanks my brother before hugging Sena, the two of them walking to the door together to continue talking.

The minute she leaves, I groan in annoyance, causing my siblings to look at me.

"What's your problem?"

"I don't want to work for someone I don't know! You two won't even let me work for you."

"I don't want a murderer working under our family name." Sena shrugs, turning her back from me.

"I'm not a murderer, it was-"

"An accident. We know." She mocks me, pushing past me to go upstairs. "You're working and that's final."

"I believe in you, Ron." Brandon gives me a thumbs up, preparing to go to the kitchen.

They leave me alone in the main entrance and I walk to the door, standing in front of our parents' pictures.

"I'll make you guys proud. And I apologize, again."


That's all.

Lastly, thank you so much for reading Hidden.

It took me on an emotional roller coaster, but I'm happy I completed it and that it's finally done.

Bye! ♡

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