I Found You

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Chapter 13: I Found You

I love the way you lie.

I adore the way you tell me things that make me believe in you.

I wish you would-

"What am I thinking?" I laugh, putting the whisk back into the batter.

"What are you making?" Kaleb snatches the whisk from me, throwing it in the sink.

"That was unnecessary. And pancakes." I mutter, glaring at him.

"The cinnamon ones? I love those." He starts dancing and I shake my head, pushing him over. "James is coming over."

"He is?"

"Yeah. He should be here in-" Kaleb checks his phone before the doorbell rings and I hiss, looking down at my body. "Right now."

"Kaleb I don't- I can't leave the- I-" Stuttering, I look between the kitchen door and the stove, trying to figure out something.

"I'm going to go answer the door. Figure something out."

Kaleb walks away as I pull the clip out of my hair, allowing it to frame my face.

I turn the stove off before exiting the kitchen, keeping my head down as I walk away.

"Hey Adel-" I hear James' voice and I speed up, running up the stairs.

"Hi. Bye."

I make my way into the closet, rummaging through the things that fell on the ground.

"Where is it?" I mumble, walking back out the closet and looking in my hamper.

"What are you looking for?"

"None of your business, Easton."

"Is it this?" I hear him question and I look up, noticing my stuff hanging on his arm.

"How did you-"

The amount of confusion I was feeling caused me to pause as I look between him and my paddings, and then the floor in my room. "Seriously, how did you get those?"

"I have my ways." Easton laughs as he throws it to the side, not breaking eye contact with me.

"You snuck into my room? How?"

"I didn't sneak in. I have this."

Easton holds up a metal bar, pushing it outside his window. The bar pokes my stomach and I flinch, stepping away from it.

"I don't have time for this Easton. Give it back."

"Why should I?"

"Easton, please." I pout, squinting my eyes to keep myself from crying.

"I think I'll keep it. Fatty Addy isn't so fat right now."

I huff, walking around the bar and to the window. In a swift movement I pull it towards me before pushing it out my window, watching as it fall down.

"You're an ass."


"Are you alright, Adeline? Your eyes are red."

"I'm fine, James. How are you?" I smile, leaning my back against the wall.

James had a game controller in his hands and was pressing multiple buttons as he looked down at me.

"I'm well. Were you crying?"

"Why do you care so much?" I mutter, looking at his hands.

"Because, crying makes your eyes puffy. And when they're puffy, you can't exactly see what's in front of you." He laughs, looking behind me at the television before looking down again.

"Her eyes are up more, James. Don't try it." Kaleb grumbles, causing James to angle his head up more.

"Sorry." James coughs as he walks away from me, sitting next to Kaleb.

"Addy bear? What's going on?" Kaleb raises an eyebrow as he subtly points towards my stomach and I wave my hands around.

"Stuff. Would you like to know?"

My brother nods before pausing the game, signaling for me to follow him into the kitchen.

"What is it?"

"Well, I'm wearing a sheet under a body suit. Somebody may have taken my padding out my room." I mumble, rubbing my index fingers together.

"Mom took them to wash?" Kaleb questions, his brows furrowing.

"No. She didn't."

"Then who?" My brother cracks his knuckles as he walks away from me, pushing the door open slightly. "James, do you want to punch someone again today?"

"I'm all for it!" Kaleb's friend laughs, his voice changing in excitement.

"Don't worry about it, Kay. I can get it back."

Pulling my brother's arm, he rolls his sleeve up slightly, looking down at me.

"I'm being serious, Adeline Fawn. Who?"

I huff, ruffling my hair. "And I'm being serious, Kaleb Fawn. I can fight my own battles."

"Okay. But let me know." My brother makes a funny face, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he runs a hand through my hair.

"I know, Kaleb."

He holds the door for me as we both exit the kitchen, racing to see who gets to the couch first.

I sit on the right side of the couch and my brother sits in the middle, starting the game again.

"So we aren't going anymore?" James jokes, yawning in the process.

I lean back to look over my brother in his hunched state, my eyes widening as I take notice of James.

The vein in his arm pops out as he stretches and I cough slightly, turning my head away quickly.

A liquid touches the top of my lip and I touch it, looking at my red finger when I move it away.

"Kaleb, can you pass me that napkin?"

Kaleb picks it up and turns to face me, cursing when he finally looks at me.

I was pretty sure my face was redder now in embarrassment and I take the paper from him, clogging my nostril.

"Adeline, what the hell?"

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