He's Good, Maybe

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Chapter 52: He's Good, Maybe

"Wait, but you called me fake? Take that back!"

"But did I lie though?"

"It's not true."

"But did I lie?" I repeat, giving him a confused look.

Easton rolls his eyes before walking downstairs, leaving me at the top.

I follow after him, bouncing happily before I miss a step, falling forward.

Waiting for the impact of the floor, a pair of arms wrap around me and I giggle in embarrassment, looking up at me.

"I think you just," Easton chuckles, setting me up straight, but still holding me.

I raise an eyebrow at him, still waiting for him to finish. "..."

"....." He starts laughing, making a funny face. "Fell for me."

"Let me go." I mutter as he releases, pressing my lips together. "Idiot."

"Can I be your idiot, though?"

"Bro, leave me alone."

Pushing him away, I sit down on the couch next to Sasha, looking at the bowl in her hands.

"Do you want to live here with me? We can kick Kaleb out?" I joke, watching her eyes light up. "And we have cereal for days!"

"Oh my god, I'd love that! I like you more than him." She laughs, pushing the spoon in her mouth.

My brother opens the kitchen window and glares at her, rolling his eyes. "Bitch, shut the fuck up. We both like Adeline more than we like each other."


My brother rolls his eyes at Sasha again before looking at me and smiling, trying his best not to laugh.

The doorbell rings and I move away from Sasha to open it, getting bombarded by a bunch of guys.

"Adeline! Are you still on lockdown? I can't take this anymore!" Jared picks me up and walks inside, moving quickly.

"Put her down, Jared."

"No, dumbass. This is my girl friend." He responds, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Easton's eyes darken as he looks at me before walking away, sitting down in my spot.

"Hey Adeline."

Jared finally puts me down and I look up at James, watching him rub the back of his neck.

"Oh, hi? It's been a while."

He opens his mouth to speak but I walk away, standing in front of Easton. "Move, you goat."

"Were you sitting here?"

"You saw me sit there. Are you experiencing memory loss?" I grumble, putting my hands on my hips.

Easton reaches forward for me and I step away, still glaring at him.

"Come sit." He laughs, patting his lap.

"I'm good. Get up."

The two of us continue to argue before he finally moves, sitting on the floor.

"Thank you." Sitting on the couch, he shifts back in between my legs, resting his head in the small gap left on the couch. "You're strange."


"I'm not skinny like your ex, doesn't that feel weird?"

"It's great." Easton laughs, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. His hand slaps me slightly when he does this and I flinch, sitting properly on the couch.

"Don't do that."


"Here, I wanted to give you this."

"Well I wanted to give you this." I mutter, placing the plate in front of her.

"No, no. I insist." Sasha laughs, placing it in between us. "We can share."

Picking up a dessert, I bite into it and sigh in delight. "Which ones are these again? I forgot."

"Mochi." Easton chuckles, reaching for my face. He swipes his thumb across my bottom lip and I hold my comments in. "My grandma sent them from Korea."

"So why aren't you eating them?"

"I'm not a fan of it. I have enough sweets here."

"You better not be talking about me." I mumble, finishing the rest of it. "I can knock you out if I want."

"Of course you can."

"Well these are good. You're missing out." Sasha tells him, taking up another one.

Easton watches me as I eat, biting his lip once in a while.

Kaleb and the rest of his friends were playing games in the living room, not caring about what the three of us were doing.

"Your lip is peeling." Easton states and I lick my lip unconsciously, reaching for something in my pocket.

Uncapping the chapstick, I put some on and smack my lips, Easton still staring at me.

"What flavor is that?"

"Matcha tea. You want to try?"

"Ah, I know where this is going!" Sasha shrieks from the background, resting her face in her palm.


Easton grabs my face against my will before kissing me, pulling away after a few seconds. "It's good."

My face heats up and I just stand there, blinking.

"You move quickly, you know right?" I whine, holding my head up to hide the blush that was surfacing.

"How is that?"

"Yesterday, we aren't speaking. And now today, you're trying to get me. And we aren't even dating!" I exclaim, listening to Sasha's whispering.

"How am I trying to get you if I already have you?" Easton questions while biting his lip, obviously thinking about what he did.

"You know where you slapped me earlier!"

"Oh. Right."  His eyes widen as he smirks, tilting his head to look at me. "That wasn't an accident."

After all this time, Sasha finally speaks up, directing her words to Easton.

"You're a freak. I like it."

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