Midnight With Me

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Chapter 57: Midnight With Me



"Baby? Help me."

Baby? I kind of like that one.

Holding my head up, I rub my eyes in confusion before standing up and walking to the window.

"Huh?" I mutter, patting my head. "Why are you awake?"

"I couldn't sleep." Easton sighs, smiling at me. "That's a cute bonnet."

Pulling it off my head quickly, I fix my braids to sit on my shoulders, still half asleep.

"What time is it?"


"And why are you up?" I yawn, sitting on my window.

Easton runs a hand through his hair before rolling his eyes at me. "I just told you, I couldn't sleep."

"But why?"

"They killed him." He murmurs, rubbing his hands together.




"Do you want to talk about it? I'll be back."

"Don't leave me."

"I'm just going to Kaleb, calm down."

Rubbing my eyes again, I stand up and walk towards the door, traveling down the hall to my brother's room.


Knocking on his door, I open it to find my brother asleep at his desk, a pile of his notes underneath him.


"Yeah, darling?" He stirs before opening an eye, glancing at me. "What's wrong?"

"Can Easton come over? Something's bothering him."

"Uh, yeah sure. Do you want me to talk to him?"

"I can handle it."


"Do you want a donut? I have two extras."

"What flavors?" Easton mutters with an emotionless face, his eyes follow my every movement.

"Chocolate and glaze. You can pick first."

He walks over to the counter and takes the chocolate one, humming lightly in the process.

"Do you want to talk about it? Come on."

Easton remains silent as we walk out the kitchen, making our way to my room.

"The minute he got there, they put the death penalty on him. He's been under review for almost four years."

"It's not even like I'm grieving. I don't feel bad at all."

"I hated that man." He finishes, finally sitting down on the bed with me. "Does that make me a bad person?"

"Of course not. It's human."

"But he's dead! And my whole family line is in my house going crazy and I'm just here. Not giving a fuck."

"Your whole family is there?" I ask him, trying to lighten his mood.

"Yeah. My little cousins were sleeping in my room when I left."

"Jae and Hana?" I continue, watching the smile surface on his face. "They snore loud, huh?"

"That's also why I couldn't sleep."


"You know what else is cute?"

Easton chuckles before moving back on the bed. He throws the blanket over his body before facing me.


"You and this bonnet." He spins the material around on his finger and I tilt my head in confusion. "Put it on."

"How did you get that?"

"I have my ways."


"We have to get up."

"Five more minutes." Easton mumbles, putting my arm back over his neck.

"You said that ten minutes ago."


"We have school."

"Actually, school was cancelled this morning. Viva la freedom." He cheers softly, putting his leg over me.

I struggle underneath his hold for some time before he opens his eyes, glaring at me.

"Jagiya~" Easton continues to complain and I stop moving, interested by his sudden use of his native language.

"What's with that?"

"I got your attention, no?" Easton laughs before getting comfortable again, weighing me down completely so that I don't move.

"I like that nickname."

"I know. I used to call you it when we were little, remember?"

"Eh. Not really."

"Well I'm calling you it again." He grins, kissing my forehead. "Now good night."

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