The Way You Look

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Chapter 16: The Way You Look

He was playing with 'it' again.

Last night, I was minding my business looking at the stars, and I look down for one second and there it is.

His hand was moving so much. It's scary.

Snapping out of my thought, I continue my walk to English class, finally ending up in front of the room.

"You bitch!" Brianna yells at me as I walk into the room, blocking my path.

"It's too early for this, Brianna." I mutter, holding my head down.

"Don't tell me what to do." She yells again, pushing me back.

"Does the teacher not-" I tilt slightly to look behind her, attempting to catch the teacher's attention.

He wasn't here.

"I'll let someone else deal with you." Brianna laughs again before turning her back, allowing me to go to my desk.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen or heard from Marma in a few days, hopefully we were still friends.

The bell rings and the teacher comes running into the classroom, throwing his bag down.

"Alright students. Let's get to it."


"Easton, don't do that. We're in school."

"Well what do you want me to do with it?"

"Put it away." Brianna shrieks again and I glance at them.

The two of them were alone at their lunch table today and Easton was shaking something below him again.

"Hey, girl."

I jump, placing a hand on my chest before looking up. "Oh, hi."

Marma sets her plate down before sitting, looking behind me for a moment.

"What are you looking at?"

"Just those two." Marma laughs before looking back at me, clasping her hands together. "How have you been?"

"Good, and you?"

Marma and I continue to talk about what went on in our lives. I couldn't help but notice her uneasiness as her eyes kept shifting between me and the pair behind us.

"Are you ready to go? The period's almost up." I smile, tilting my head to get a better look of her.

"You look like a dog when you do that." She points out, causing me to tense.

"I do?"

"Yeah. But I mean it in a good way."


Looking out my window, I glance at the floor, watching Mrs. Kim bring something outside.

"Hi, Mrs. Kim!"

"Hello, Adeline. How are you?" The woman looks up, smiling widely as I wave.

"I'm great. And you?"

"Tired." She jokes, brushing her hands off. "Have you talked to Easton tonight? He's acting a bit strange."

I feel my face heat up as I move back slightly, still look at her. "No, I haven't. Would you like me to?"

"It would mean a lot, thank you. Have a good night, Addy."

I sit up to look at Easton's window, noticing his bent over posture.

"East?" I fake a smile, calling him by his nickname.

"Yeah, Addy?" He turns around, grinning back at me.

"What's going on with you?"

My words cause his eyes to widen as he holds his arms up, looking back to me.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"Your mom asked me to ask you. So I did."

"You know, my dad thinks we're a thing."

"And I hope you told him we aren't?" I scoff, playing with my fingers.

"I did. Don't worry."

Easton looks down again, fumbling with his pants before shaking something again. He groans out and I feel the corners of my mouth move outwards.

"So, Easton. I'm going to go."

"Already? I guess I'll see you later then." Easton huffs, not looking up to me.

"Okay. Bye bye."

Closing the window, I push myself off the window. I sit down on the chair in my room, scrolling through my social media accounts.

"Maybe Easton is just experiencing the beauty of puberty?"

Can't relate.

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