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Chapter 40: Brighter

*next week*

"Okay, I'm here."

"I can see that." Easton jokes as I walk inside, holding a blanket in my hands.

He tries to take it from me and I slap his hand, struggling to take my shoes off.

"This has necessities in it: water, marshmallows, soft cookies, and more water. Don't touch." I mumble still trying to use my feet to take my shoes off.

"Need help?" Easton chuckles as he squats, looking up at me.

"Nope. I got-"

Easton cuts me off by gripping my ankle, pulling the sneakers off. "No, you don't."

Looking over the blanket in my arms, I notice him smirk slightly before standing up again, running a hand through his hair.


"Yes please."


"That's a White dwarf."

"And that one?"


"Just star?" I mumble, trying to see the one he was pointing at.

Easton was blocking the window and I try my best to push him over, completely failing.

Last week after going on his roof, we decided to do it again, this time without the roof.

Because he tried to kill us last week.

"It's not bright enough for me to tell. Sorry." He chuckles, moving over for me.

I stand by the window and look up, noticing the streaks. "You never said there would be shooting stars tonight. I'm surprised it's visible over here."

"You're lying?"

"I'm dead serious." I deadpan, not taking my eyes off the strokes.

Another star shoots across the sky and I gasp, most likely alarming Easton.

He scoffs before nudging my side, taking a spot next to me.

"That's cute. But it's over now."

Moving away from the window, I walk towards the side of his desk, picking up the guitar case. I lean against the wall, taking the instrument out and fix it in my hands, adjusting to the feeling.

"Baby shark. Doo doo doo doo." I sing, figuring which string goes along with it.

"What are you doing?"

"Baby shark, doo doo doo doo."

Singing again, I run my finger against the strings again, finally getting the right pattern.

"Wrong one. Use the first one twice."

"Gee thanks." I mutter, still playing the same notes.

Easton laughs before standing in front of me, reaching to take my hand. "Right here."

"Okay. Damn." I mutter, allowing him to move it. "Always bothering me."

"You're acting like it isn't my damn guitar. Like shit."

"Sharing is caring."

"I don't fucking care, though." He grumbles, rolling his eyes.

Setting the guitar down on the floor, I take a step closer to him and look up, crossing my arms.

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