Day One

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Chapter 56: Day One

"If you can't even do that, what makes you think you can do this?"

"Oh shut up and join my group."

"I'm trash at Physics, just so you know." I shrug, putting my bag down next to Easton's.

We were in the lab today for Physics and to say that I was excited to work with someone else for once would be a lie.

I get things done quicker in this class without distractions. And Easton is a big one.

"But for real, help me with the Do Now." He pushes the paper in front of me and I read over it, thinking to myself.

"Current equals volts over resistance. Figure it out. The answer is .37." I mutter, circling the answer.

"Did you guys see that? My girlfriend is so smart."

Silence. Weird.

I look up from the sheet, making eye contact with Brianna who just got to class, basically fuming.


"You knew it was bound to happen, Bri." Marma states, picking at her nails.

"But it shouldn't have happened! I'm the one and he knows it!"

"Ms. Miller, don't interrupt my class." The teacher scolds, placing down the supplies on our desk.

"I will knock this shit over! How could you do this to me?"

Brianna stomps to where we were and pushes me by my face, standing in front of Easton.

"Brianna calm down. It's not that serious." Marma groans, leaning against the table.

Let me keep my mouth shut.

"You need to shut up!" She screams, reaching up to touch Easton's face. "How dare you?"

"Don't touch me. And I do what I want. Get over it."

Easton removes her hand from his face before moving her stiff body out the way, pulling me closer to him again.

"I give up with this class." The teacher grumbles, sitting behind his desk.

The girls in the class start whispering as he inspect my face, checking for something.

"I thought I had a chance with him for once, but no."

"He's lucky. Adeline is pretty."

"She's lucky. Easton is a god."

The last one makes Easton laugh as he pulls away from me, biting his lip. "Do you think I'm a god too?"

"I think you need to focus on the assignment before you get electrocuted."


"So, Adeline. We're going to a p-"

"No, she's good." Easton grumbles, stealing a few fries from my plate.

"You can't make that decision for me. Kaleb talk to-"

"No, she's good." My brother repeats after Easton, raising an eyebrow at me.

"You guys are terrible." I murmur, crossing my arms in front of me.

The guys laugh at my pouting and I stay quiet while looking ahead, Easton grabbing my face soon after.

"What?" My words come out soft and lisp-like as he squished my face, looking directly into my eyes.

"I want to introduce you to my parents."

"I already know your parents." I respond, making weird faces at him.

Jared starts cooing as we continue, embarrassment washing over me.

"I want to introduce you to them as my girlfriend though. We should do it tonight."



"Would you like for me to come over now?"

"I can't tonight, on second thought." Easton responds without looking at me, his mind somewhere else.

"Oh? Why not?"

"I just don't want you over here tonight, okay?" He insists, looking at me for a short time.

His eyes were darker than usual.

The original is showing again. But I'm sure he has a reason.

"Okay, East. Just call me if you need something."

Leaving my window open, I adjust my position before opening the book in my hands, distracting myself from his weirdness.

I swear, he doesn't know what he wants.

"He's gone..."

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