Spy Material

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Chapter 49: Spy Material


"I bought you an outfit while I was away. It came with a bag and shoes. I thought Darling would like it."

"Darling?" Kaleb removes my hand from my face as I open my eyes, staring back at him. "You good?"

"I'm great. Show me it!" I giggle, taking the bag from him.

I was still a bit spooked from yesterday, the encounter keeping me on edge.

"It's a pink dress with matching shoes. And a white bag as well. You can wear it any time!" My brother smiles widely as I take the items out, examining them.

"Thank you!"

"And it's Kaleb approved! So I bought it."

Kaleb goes on about his trip to the mall after yesterday's game and I listen closely, tilting my head to get a better view of his face.

That scratch mark is fresh.

"You never told me about the game. Did you guys win?" I question, watching my brother's eyes light up before he starts talking again.

"Of course we did. Those guys didn't stand a chance. We won 96 to 5. We're moving on to the high school championship."

"I heard they're planning on making you captain next year. After being the co for so long."

Hearing this boosts my brother's ego as he runs a hand through his hair, smirking. "Is that so? I would have never thought. I mean, I did carry the damn team and that terrible captain, but whatever."

"Why are you so mean to Lawson? Wow." I laugh, hunching over.

Kaleb's eyes sparkle as he looks at me, chuckling. "He knows it's playful. And besides, he's an idiot."

Kaleb tilts his head back to massage his neck, revealing a lot more bruises there.

All brand new.

"Kaleb, where did you get-" I start to point to his neck but he slaps my hand quickly, laughing nervously.

"Don't look at that. Would you like to go out somewhere today? It'll be fun!" Kaleb jumps up from his seat and walks to the door, grumbling under his breath. "Not like I beat someone's ass for talking about you. Nobody gets to talk about my sister, or touch her."

He walks out the room completely before I hear a bang on the wall, making me jump. "Or disrespect her, I'll hurt them! Swear to God. Allah. Yahweh. Whoever you want to call."

This boy is crazy. But I love him.

Holding the outfit in my hands, I walk to the closet for the iron, planning on wearing it today.

"He actually got the right size."


"That's my shiz, that's my wave. Do it like that, and I'll repay you. Don't be scared, I ain't afraid. Sing."

"Just like that, come my way." Kaleb grumbles, dragging me out of the car. "We're here."

Walking behind him, Kaleb leads me into the park, stopping at the duck pond. He looks down at me before cursing underneath his breath, hitting himself gently.

"I bought the wrong size."

"This is the right size. See?" I giggle, swaying for him to see.

"I should have bought a 5xl."

"But then that would be down to my ankles."

"Exactly." Kaleb refutes, walking away from me.

Preparing to go to my brother, someone taps my shoulder and I turn around, coming face to face with the boys.

"Hey Addy."

Jared smiles down at me while Nathan waves, the two of them wearing a matching outfit.

"What's with the clothes?" I mutter, poking his arm.

"Our grandma made them, and my aunt was like 'oh gee, Jared. match with your cousin for once'. So here we are."

"This shit is itchy." Nathan complains while Jared unzips his sweater, taking it off.

"You guys look cute in them. But what are you doing here?" Smiling, I look behind the two boys, raising an eyebrow at Easton.

"Someone wanted to apologize."

Jared and Nathan pull into Easton's arm, stopping him once he's in front of me.

"No. I fucking don't."

"Yes. He does." Nathan grits out, slapping Easton on the back of his head. "He apologizes for all the rude things he's said. The past times he's put you in danger. And pouring juice in your hair. Now say it."

"Did you guys follow us or something for this? I told you, I'm fine."

"I'd do it again. Adeline is the same bitch from before, no change." Easton grumbles, shrugging his shoulders.

Before I'm able to respond, I hear Kaleb's voice get closer to us.



"Kaleb! It's fine, just go back over there. I can handle it."

I start pushing him away before he grabs my arm, staring down at me.

"Get the fuck out of my way."

Kaleb pushes me to the side, continuing his walk to Easton. The two of them stand face to face before Kaleb holds up his arm, punching Easton in his jaw.

I give up.


"I told you I could have handled it."

"Those things don't require listening and coming to common agreements, Adeline. And you need to understand that." Kaleb growls, wiping his bottom lip.


"Now, do you want to tell me what else happened yesterday?"

"Nothing at all. I was-" I explain myself halfway, getting cut off by his hand banging against the wall.

"And before you lie to me again, just know I set up a camera before I left, sound and all." He point to the corner of the wall, exposing the small object.

"Doesn't that seem a bit creepy to you?" I giggle awkwardly, trying to lighten his mood.

"I'm not going to ask again Adeline. Because last night I texted you, and you had the audacity to lie even then!"

Kaleb yells at me and I flinch, taking a step away from him.


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