Hit My Line

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Chapter 55: Hit My Line

*one week later*

"And we can dance all day around it. If you front then I'll be bouncing."

"If you want it scream and shout it, babe. Before I leave you dry." I sing again, walking in front of the trio.

"Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment-"

"Adeline!" Easton calls my name before grasping my hand, pulling me back. "I've been calling you for the past two minutes."

"Yeah, Addy. He has a question." Jared chuckles, wiggling his eyebrows. "Go ahead."

"Uh. You, me, date?"

"Ask her how we practiced, you dumb fuck!" Nathan slaps Easton in the back of his head before stepping back again, watching the scene.

"Go ahead." I giggle, pretty sure that I was grinning like an idiot.

"Will you go out on a date with me tonight? Just us for once?" Easton smiles, his eyes squinting due to his happiness.

I can't handle this.

"Of course. Where to?"

"It's a surprise. But be ready by 6:30."

"Well then, I have to go right now." I laugh, making my way to the pathway of my house. "Bye, guys!"

"Bye, Addy bear!" Nathan and Jared yell back to me before shoving Easton towards his house, slapping him simultaneously.

Pulling my phone out my back pocket, I dial a number quickly and wait for the person to respond.

"Sasha? I need help!"

"Help with what?" Kaleb comes out the kitchen, a spoon hanging out his mouth.

"Stuff. Don't worry."


"Hold up, you're going on a date? Again?"

"What do you mean again?"

"You went on one already. We agreed on one date per lifetime and you used it!"

"That doesn't count because it didn't go well." I yell from the bathroom, adjusting the pants on me. "Okay I'm done."

"Well, get out here. I still have to do your makeup." Sasha cheers as I open the door. "Ah, you're so cute."

"Does it seem like too much?" I laugh nervously, looking at Kaleb for his opinion.

"I don't like it, personally. But I guess it's fine."

"Thank you, Kaleb! Now let me do your makeup."

Sasha pushes me in the direction of the vanity before picking up my blush stick, patting it on my cheeks.

When she's done, she picks up the curling iron before wrapping my hair around it, giving me spirals like hers.

"It's 6:25." Kaleb mutters, checking his phone.

"Fuck shit, Kaleb! He better wait!" Sasha exclaims, taking up another section of hair.

Ten minutes later and she's finally done, spraying my hair to keep it in place.

The three of us go downstairs and Kaleb opens the door for us, walking out to Easton.

Who was sitting on a motorcycle.


"That's hot!" Sasha runs behind my brother to touch the motorcycle and I stay in my place, rubbing my arms.

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