Who Does That

978 38 6

Chapter 35: Who Does That

*one week later*

"Hey, Adeline!"


Turning around, I watch as James stops running, attempting to catch his breath.

"Hi James." I smile, putting my hands behind my back.

He starts to search for something in his bag before pulling out a bouquet, handing it to me.

"Uh, do you want to go on a date? This weekend maybe? I was going to ask you later but I noticed you and saw it as an opportunity." James starts fidgeting nervously as I take it from him.

"Sure. I'd love to."


"Who gave her flowers?"

"They should be giving it to me!"

The two girls complain as I walk outside, holding the bouquet in the crook of my arms.

"Do you want it? I have more flowers at home?" I offer, holding it out in their direction.

Marma stands up and walks over to me, snatching it before throwing it on the floor. "You don't deserve it."

She walks away again and I pout, moving to sit at my table.

"Who gave it to you, Adeline?" One of my brother's friends yell and I turn to face him.

Before I'm able to respond, James laughs while raising his hand. "I did."

"He's going after Easton's girl! The drama!" Jason yells again and I look between the guys, rolling my eyes.

"I'm Easton's girl!" Brianna stomps and I shrug, nodding my head at their actions.

"No, you fucking aren't." Easton grits out, turning his head away from Brianna.

"Well, I'm going to mind my business now." I mumble, turning my back to the group.

Playing with my phone, I feel someone sit down next to me and I look up, watching Easton fix himself.

"Hey, bro."

"Don't 'bro' me. I wanted to ask you something." He chuckles, running a hand through his hair. "Do you really want to go out with James?"

"Yes, he's nice and I enjoy that. Why?"

"I'm just asking. I hate to say it but you'd look better with me. And I'd work to see it happen."

"Do you have a problem with James?"

"I'm not going to tell you anything. Just know, whatever he does, you tell me." Easton leans over to whisper in my ear and I push him back, leaning over to do the same to him.

"I won't have to. James is a nice guy."

"And you don't know him like I do."


Sitting alone in my room, I run my hands across the rose petals gently, lost in thought.

Kaleb asked me if I knew who was giving them to me, and then he suggested Easton.

I know I told Easton about my favorite flowers, but he isn't the type of guy to do that. It isn't him.

"She's your bitch now?" Someone yells from outside and I look out.

This man is still here.

Easton and his uncle were sitting on his bed talking, his uncle sporting a neck brace.

"She's not mine. And she isn't a bitch." Easton responds, standing up from the bed.

"She is. And she must be yours if you stand up for her now." Mr. Sam yells again.

"No. She isn't mine, but she's not for grabs."

"And why is that?"

"Because I said so. Now please leave my room."

Easton's uncle leaves and he walks over to the window, leaning on the frame. "Hi again."

"Bye again."

"You're still upset about earlier?" He grumbles and I smile, not breaking eye contact with him.

"No. I just have to find an outfit for tomorrow. We'll talk later?" Grinning widely at him, Easton's ears change colors and I laugh at him. "Later, Easton?"

"Of course. We'll talk later."


Author's Note:

Aah. This chapter was so stupid. But I'm just setting things up for the next one.

What do you think might happen?

Feel free to vote and comment. I love reading what you think.

I don't have anything else to say right now. Bye!

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