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Chapter 53: Confrontation

*three days later*

"Hey y'all."

"Why are we all matching?" I mutter, examining Easton's outfit.

"Matching how?"

"We look like E-Kids."

Kaleb takes my bag from me before walking into school, nodding in the direction of his friends. "I told you not to wear that but you wanted to match with me."

"And we look cute! Stop criticizing me."

My brother shrugs his sweater off before throwing it behind him, hitting me in my face. "Put it on before I take you home to change."

"Fine!" I groan, wrapping the sleeves around my waist. "But seriously, why are we dressed like this?"

"We're the elites now." Easton mutters, holding his arm out for me. "They have nothing on us."


"Yeah. But if you keep smiling like that you're going back to your soft girl status." He gives me a straight face as I link our arms together, trying not to laugh.

The three of us stop in front of their friends, all of them wearing similar clothes.

Jared was the first to acknowledge me, picking me up and spinning around.

"Why are you so cute?" He yells, alarming the girl next to him.

"Won't you introduce me?" She asks, waving at me.

"Oh! Sorry, Adeline meet my girlfriend Iyana. Iyana, this is Adeline- she's my baby."

"It's nice to meet you." I smile, walking closer to her.

"Likewise! We're going to be great acquaintances, or maybe friends." Iyana cheers, shaking me gently.

"You're interesting, you didn't get upset with what he called me?" I question, turning to Easton. "Why not?"

"They're faking it for their families. Arranged shit." He shrugs, leaning against the wall.

Iyana starts laughing at something dumb Jared says before rolling her eyes and I nod, giving Easton my attention again.

He randomly takes a sandwich from his bag and starts eating, brushing his thumb against his bottom lip casually when he feels crumbs.

"What? Can't a boy eat?" Easton chuckles as I look at his mouth, biting his lip to get my attention. "Like shit. Do you want piece?"

"No. I just thought-"

"What? Did my lips interest you? Yours are more intriguing so stop." He smirks, breaking off the bread and pushing it in his mouth.

"You're so weird."

"And you like it."


"Um, Adeline? Hi."

"I know you probably hate me, but can we talk?"

"Please?" Marma begs, grabbing my shoulder.

I turn around to face her, grinning slightly. "Why?"

"Brianna kind of dropped me. I have nobody else. Can we be friends again?" She asks, playing with her fingers.

"I don't think so."

"Why not!?!" She screams before regaining her composure, faking a smile. "Why not?"

"Because I'm not dumb. You two are still friends, but you want something from me. What is it?"

Jared steps closer to me and rests his arm on my shoulder, weighing me down. "Let me say it for you?"

"Say what?"

"It's funny how bitches turn into my fans." He quotes, walking away to the table.

"Ugh! You're such a pai-" Marma lifts her hand up to hit me before someone else grabs it, pushing her back.

"I suggest you don't." Kaleb grumbles, squatting to look at her. "Or do you want a scene of what I warned you about?"

"No, Kaleb! I just wanted to see if you'd go on a date. Please? It would mean a lot."

My brother scoffs before standing up and walking away from her, dragging me behind him.

"I have a girlfriend. I'd rather not lower my standards." Kaleb stops at the table before pointing at the empty space. "Sit."

I throw my legs over the seat and sit next to Easton, sitting in the opposite way.

He plays with the chains on his pants before wrapping them around his finger, hard, and I raise an eyebrow at him. "What are you doing?"

"Huh?" He snaps out of his world and looks back at me, his eyes wide. "N-nothing."


"I swear on my name, I wasn't thinking anything weird."

"You just gave yourself away."

"Fuck. Leave me alone." He jokes, focusing on the chains again.

After two minutes he finally spun around on the seat, facing the rest of the group before taking something out of his bag.

"What's with you and Subway today?" Kaleb gives Easton a dirty look as he unwraps it, putting half in front of me.

"What's with you guys and being all up in my business? Like damn." Easton grumbles, poking me on my cheek. "Eat. See, I'm sharing."

"Oh cool." I giggle, biting into the food. "This is good, what is it?"

"Bread. Turkey. Cheese. Lettuce. Mayo." He lists, rolling his eyes. "The basics of a sandwich, you know?"

"No, actually. I didn't know."

The group of us start talking about random things, not missing Brianna and Marma complaining behind us.

"Why does she get to be close with them?" Marma whines, her voice going higher. "Is she that pretty?"

"Maybe. Even Easton left me because of the bitch. We have to think of something new."

"New plans?" Marma shrieks.

My brother turns around to them and speaks, his voice going low.

"We aren't dressed like this for no reason. Today's one of those days and I will hurt you two."

Jared and Nathan start laughing in unison while thinking of something to say, looking at each other with enthusiasm.

"He's not afraid of confrontation."

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