Too Much Things

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Chapter 22: Too Much Things

I could choose to look away, or I couldn't.

I want to look away, but I can't.

It hurts to look, but I can't help but stare.

Marma was laughing with Brianna as if they were close already, completely forgetting about me.

I'm forgotten.

Easton turns his head away from them and we accidentally make eye contact, me looking up quickly.

He stands up, catching Brianna's attention.

"Yay, Easton. Do something to her."

Her and Marma cheer as I lean to the side of me, taking my water bottle out my bag.


Easton stops in his tracks as I hold the bottle up to him, not caring.

"Do it, Easton. And then do something worse. It's no fun if she wants it." Marma taunts and I keep my head down, forcing my tears to stay in.

Don't cry, Adeline.

Easton snatched the bottle out my hand before opening it, holding his arm up.

The water never makes it to my head though.

I hear a splash noise to the side of me and instantly look over, watching the water pour into my bag.

"My books..."

I hear the girls laugh again before my hair is getting pulled on, forcing me to stand up.

Easton flips me around, pushing me to bump into the table slightly as he continues to pull my hair back.

"You're hurting me." I mutter, causing an emotion to flicker in his eyes.

He let's go of me quickly, walking away from me.

My head starts hurting and I sit down, trying to get my focus back.

The bell rings and I continue to sit there, hearing the group walk past me. Brianna starts laughing before kicking me and I wince, still not bothering to move.

"Stupid bitch."


"You're late to my class, Ms. Fawn."

"I'm sorry. I had a bit of trouble." I explain, waiting for the teacher's response.

She simply looks down at my bag in my hands before looking back up at me, probably noticing the water marks on both.

"It's fine. Take your seat." My teacher voice sounds pitiful as she sends me away and I walk across the room, sitting with my group.

Reaching into my bag, I start to pull out my notebook, feeling it fall apart in my hand.

"Can I borrow a sheet of paper, if that isn't too much?" I ask one of the Junior girls in my group, watching her smile before handing me one. "Thank you."

Looking at the front of the room, I copy down the notes on the board, folding the paper when the bell rings a few minutes after.

This was my last period of the day, and Kaleb had practice today so I was left to walk home alone.

Holding my soaked bag in front of me, I walk down the sidewalk, taking one step at a time.

Walking alone.


"Go away."


"Nobody wants what your selling." I repeat, hearing the doorbell ring for the third time. Rolling over on the couch, I stand up, finally walking to the door. "Okay, I'm coming."

Placing my hand on the doorknob, I hear the person run away, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Ye- oh?" A box catches my attention and I bend down, picking it up. "For Adeline."

I close the door behind me before making my way into the kitchen, grabbing a knife.

Inside the box was a book bag, it was clear with small designs drawn on the straps.

"And my name, wow." Examining the strap, I admire my name sewn in script letters.

I throw the bag over my shoulder before exiting the kitchen to go upstairs, locking my room door when I get in.



"Adeline, come on." He groans again, trying to get my attention.

"What, Easton? What do you want?"

Looking in his direction, I watch him close his eyes while running a hand through his hair.

"I, I wanted to apologize."

"You said you wanted to fix things, Easton. That's not how change works." I recall what he told me yesterday, licking my lips.

"Yeah I get that."

"Good. Now leave me alone after school. Hopefully, my wish comes true this time."

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