I'm Going

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Chapter 17:I'm Going

"Look Adeline. You're just going to ring his bell. Knock him out. Run upstairs and get your stuff. And then leave again."

Wait, how am I going to knock him out? He used to play football.

"Just punch him in the chest. Get him on the ground, straddle him and push your finger up his nose to stop his breathing." I mumble again, shaking my arms to calm my nerves.

Wait, straddle him? Hell no.

"Then what am I going to do?" I sigh again, ringing his doorbell. "I know, I'll just- oh. Hey Easton."

Easton just nods before stepping aside, not questioning the reason I was there.

I make my way upstairs to his room, looking around at the place.

"I just love how you go straight to my room." He chuckles, closing the door behind him.

"Where is it?" I raise my hands up, questioning him. I sit on the edge of his bed before throwing my leg over the other.

"Where is what?"

"You know what I'm talking about, stupid." I mumble, rolling my eyes.

Easton chuckles as he pulls his shirt off, his arms flexing underneath him.

"Why are you taking that off? I never said-"

He cuts me off, laughing to himself. "You're the one who walked up in here like you own the place so I-"

"I do own the place." I joke, cutting him off as well.

"What are you looking for?"

"My padding!" I shriek, slamming my hands down next to me. "Why else would I be in your room?"

"Adeline, why do you need it so badly?"

"Bish, what kind of question is that?" I shake my head at him, making my hair fly around.

"Closet, top shelf. Next to your flower crown." He points and I stand up, opening his closet.

"Easton, what the heck is this?" Looking down, I notice something weird on the ground, a messy pile.

"Don't look there. Just get your stuff." He mutters, pushing me forward.

I tip-toe to reach my things but only feel dusty. "Where is it?"

"It's there. You're just too short." Easton laughs before stepping away.

"Get it!"

I wait for him to go in front of me but he doesn't move and instead I feel his hands on my hips, lifting me up.

"Put me down, Easton!"

"So you don't want your shit?" He sets me down on my feet and I turn around to face him, looking up to make sure he sees my scowl.

"Please get it for me."

He nods before going in front of me, pushing my stuff down.

I allow the paddings and crown to fall into my hand before leaving the closet and the room, Easton trailing behind me.

"I was never here."

"Yes you were."


"Homie? I'm back!"

"Where were you?" Kaleb looks up to me as I walk inside, making a beeline to the stairs.

"Getting my stuff, the usual." I joke, rolling my eyes.

"So you're seriously not telling me who took it?"

"Nope." I giggle, popping the 'p' while running upstairs.

I throw the paddings onto my bed while staring at them.

"Surprisingly, I didn't miss you."

"Adeline!" Easton yells to me from his window and I look out, giving him a weird look. "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"Just things." He shrugs, looking down.

"Okay, I guess. Thanks?"

Easton begins to move his arm back and forth, grumbling under his breath.

"No problem."

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