Something You Want

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Chapter 28: Something You Want

*two weeks later*

"So what?"

"You're just breaking up with me like that?"

"I've dealt with you for over two years. You know how long you've been doing that shit for, one and a half!"

Looking at my window, I watch as Easton and Brianna continue to argue, stuffing popcorn into my mouth.

My dentist will not be happy, but whatever. This is interesting.

"And I got always with it, right? Easton, I'm young. I'm pretty, obviously others guys are going to want to be down my-"

"Shut up, Brianna!" Easton yells again and I raise an eyebrow, waiting to see what happens next.

"Don't tell me to shut up. You make it seem like you don't have secrets either." She stomps, walking to a new spot in his room.

"I got rid of the gun, Brianna. That's over!"

"I'm talking about that bitch!" She screams and I flinch, almost falling.

Bitch? The only person she calls that is me.

"Well shit." I mumble, leaning back on the wall.

Looking back out again, I watch as Easton looks out at me quickly before turning away again, continuing to argue with his girlfriend.

"What's that supposed to mean, huh? You're acting as if I haven't done everything you told me to do to her."

"You have a past with her and I know that. Pick Easton, me or her?"

"Brianna, don't. I mean it." He runs a hand through his hair and I squint, attempting to get a better view of them. "There's a reason it's called the past."

"You still like her though, don't you? I know that guys like to hide their feelings with violence." Brianna yells and I roll my eyes, still not turning away.

"I never did like her, okay? And how did we go from talking about you cheating, to my feelings?"

"Because my cheating been happened. I still do it, okay? Is that what you want to hear?" She admits and I gasp, covering my mouth. "And guess what, I like him more, so we're done!"

"We're done. That's it." Easton mutters as he opens the door for her, pushing her out. "Bye, Brianna."


"I need you right now."

"I need you, girl."

"I'm serious."

"I'm looking for where I asked, though." I mumble, looking back at Easton. "Not happening."

"Please, Adeline? Just right now?"

About a week ago, Kaleb and Easton talked, and now they're somewhat friends again.

Kaleb still doesn't trust him completely.

Me, on the other hand, I'm trying to understand Easton more, talking to him again is step one.

"Fine I guess." I sigh, giving in. "Let me go ask first."

Easton smiles sincerely as I exit my room, walking down to Kaleb's.

"Can Easton come over?"

"Why?" My brother removes his earbuds, scowling.

"He could use a hug, him and Brianna broke up earlier."

"Oh. Okay, I guess. Just scream if anything." Kaleb shrugs before rolling over, tapping away on his phone. "And make sure he stays away from your face."


"Do you want another hug?"


"That's too bad, you've reached your limit." I mumble, releasing myself from his hold.

Easton pouts as I sit at my window, holding my pillow in front of me.

"Are we like, okay now?" He asks, smiling slightly.

I shrug while getting comfortable, looking up at him. "Hugs are for comfort. Doesn't mean we're friends."

"I want to be your friend."

"Why? Because Brianna dumped you?" I question, the top of my lip turning upwards.

"I'm my own man. Then and now." Easton laughs and I try me best to hold mine in.

"Your a boy, Easton. The only man part of you is probably your voice."

"And my-" He starts to speak and I hold up my hand, cutting him off.

"Don't say it."

"What can I do to become your friend? I'm trying here, Adeline." He pleads with me and I tap my chin.

"You can buy me a flower, every day. I like cherry blossoms. Or white roses." I joke, waiting to hear him scoff.

Instead, Easton just sits down on my bed, his eyes lighting up. "You're serious? Dead?"

"I guess." Shrugging, I press my lips together in a thin line. "I'm not hard to please."

"Doesn't food make you happy?"

"Oh my gosh! You remember?" Against my will, I get happy, gasping dramatically.

"Yeah. We used to be friends, remember?"

"I try to forget, actually."

Looking down at the floor, I swing my legs back and forth, thinking of a way to change the topic.

My head starts to hurt randomly and I hold my forehead, trying to ease it.

"Are you alright, Adeline?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I brush Easton off, continuing to wince. "Can you show yourself out?"

Easton takes one last look at me before getting up and walking to the door.

"Yeah. Feel better, I guess."

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