I Guess It's Wrong

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Chapter 09: I Guess It's Wrong

Walking into school this morning, I felt my padding rub against my stomach awkwardly and I shift to fix it. My stomach it self started churning awkwardly and I had a feeling that today wasn't going to be a exceptional day.

They never are.

Finding an empty table in the library, I take out my book. A shadow catches my attention and I look up, smiling at the person.

"It's lit!"

"What is?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow.

Marma takes out her textbook and flips to a random page, pretending to be a scholar. "Just stuff."

The two of us sit in silence as we read, hearing the occasional tapping of Marma's fingers.

The librarian soon rings a bell, signaling that first period is about to end and I push my book in my bag, dragging Marma out the area with me.

"Shit bitch." She curses and I roll my eyes, ignoring her. "What class do you have now?"

"History. Why?" I mutter, speed walking down the stairs.

"Um, Addy? I can see your bra strap." Marma rushes to fix it and I thank her, still not stopping.


"I have Geometry today. Switch with me."

"We look nothing alike, smarty." I giggle, fixing the strap of my bag. "This is your floor, I'll see you later. Bye."

Quickly waving to her, I complete my journey to the basement, waiting outside of the classroom.

The bell soon rings as people start running in and out of classrooms, pushing me.

"Always in the way Adeline." Brianna taunts as she pushes past me, disappearing into the staircase.

Yeah, that bad feeling I had, it's nothing.


"Okay, Adeline. I brought this, and these." Marma pulls out a container of cookies, handing one to me.


"If homemade means store bought, then yeah." Marma laughs, biting into a cookie. "Brittany is coming."

"You mean Brianna?" I question, trying not to get scared.

"Same difference."

A few minutes later, Brianna and her friends are standing behind me as she taps my shoulder. "Stand up or else."

I don't bother to argue as I get up, looking at Easton behind her.

"Yes?" I ask kindly, pushing my hands in my back pockets.

Brianna steps away for Easton as he reaches over to me and I flinch against my will. He stops for a minute as his expression changes slightly, before completely reaching back and pulling my hair.

In a second I'm on the floor, and Brianna's heel is already making contact with me.

"I suggest you don't." He warns Marma as she stands up, causing her to sit back down again.

"Yeah, Marma. Fatty Addy is used to this." Brianna taunts before stepping on my leg, making me wince again. "Stay down."

As I try to stand up, the both of them push me over, causing me to hit my head, my vision blurring.

"Finish it, babe." Brianna cheers, stepping away from me. "I want to see you take action. I love to see them- well her- suffer."

Her words click in my head and I feel tears start running out of my eyes, showing off my weakness.

Easton bends down to my level, tilting my chin up to look at him.

"I think she's broken." He chuckles, pushing me back forcefully. "Stupid bitch."

The two of them walk away and I close my eyes to regain focus. Marma runs over to me, helping me up.

"Um, Addy? How many fingers?" Marma worries, holding me up. "Oh shit."

I look in the direction of where my friend was looking, making eye contact with my brother.

"Don't tell me you fell. Who did it?" Kaleb's fists were tightening as he looks around.

"Why aren't you in class, Kay?" I mumble, holding my head down.

"Why are you avoiding my question? I asked you something." He grumbles, taking my face in his hands.

"There's only one other group out here. Take a wild guess." Marma speaks for me as she subtly points to where Easton was sitting.

"You're lying?"

"I speak facts only."


Sitting down on the couch, I watch my brother put his hoodie back on, heading out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To do the usual stuff, you know." Kaleb shrugs, walking over to me. "Be careful."

"I know, Kaleb." I sigh, pushing him away from me.

"Alright. I'll be back."

Kaleb walks out of the front door, slamming it behind him and I turn around to look at him through the window.

He stops in front of Easton's door, waiting for him to answer.

A few seconds later, my brother walks inside, cracking his knuckles.

"Oh my god." I mumble, turning back around to go upstairs. "Please don't do anything crazy."

Through my window, I can see Kaleb and Easton playing video games and I release a breath, praying that it stays that way.

It's obvious that it won't though.

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