If I Did It

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Chapter 47: If I Did It

"I hate jello."

"You what?!?! Well, what about pudding?"

"Only vanilla. Or swirl. Everything else is nasty."

"How are you a foodie if you're so picky?" Jared yells, causing Adeline to giggle.

"I never said I was a foodie. I just like food." She laughs, her eyes crinkling at the side.

Drowning the two of them out, I go back to my phone call, trying not to get upset.

"Easton. I saw the bitch yesterday at the grave."


"Okay, and?" I grumble, running a hand through my hair.

"She was talking to Avani. Just imagine, my girls in one place again."

My uncle is fucking mental.

"That sounds amazing."

"You've done a great job of staying away from her, Im proud." He chuckles, making me groan.

"You do know she's off limits?" I mutter, looking back at Adeline. "Completely off limits no matter what."

"Well then I'll just kill her if needed. It's no problem."

Not bothering to speak to him any longer, I hang up the phone and walk over to the group, sitting across from Adeline.

Who still wasn't speaking to me.

She takes this very seriously.

"It's rice not vanilla." Nathan groans, pushing the bowl in front of Adeline. "Try it."

"Rice, vanilla. It's all the same nonsense!" Jared yells, knocking the bowl off the table.

The contents spills out of it and Adeline looks at the guys, pouting.

"You idiots."

"Says the girl who doesn't eat jello."

"Well at least I have morals!" She replies, sass laced in her tone. "Why are we friends again?"

"Because you love us. And because you're Easton's girl."

Her face pales as she holds her head down, avoiding my gaze.

Maybe I'm pretty stupid.

One time thing, Easton. Just get this over with.

Standing up, I pull Jared's cup towards me and walk over to where they were, standing behind Adeline.

She starts shaking and I rethink my plan before acting, trying not to seem weak.

"What the hell, Easton? What was that for?"

Adeline shakes as the liquid runs down her face, soaking into her clothes.

Jared and Nathan continue to yell at me as I walk away, sitting down in my former seat.

"You asshole! The poor baby."

"Oh shut up. It's not like she isn't used to it." I grumble, attempting to seem unbothered.

I'm really sorry, Adeline.

"I'm fine, Jared. Let me go." Adeline shakes my friend off before pulling the clip out of her hair, allowing it to frame her face.

"Yeah, Jared. Easton's finally coming back to his senses. You should too." Marma yells from the other table and I glare at her, making her flinch.

"Adeline was a bitch and still is one. A make-over won't change that." Brianna taunts, laughing maliciously.

I keep my mouth shut and listen, balling up my fist so that I don't show any anger.

"And she knows you guys are just talking to her to get in her pants now, isn't that right Adeline? You whore."

"All they talk about is your features when you're gone. Did you know that? Girls like you aren't really appealing to boys like them."

Brianna and Marma take turns to taunt Adeline and she starts shaking even more, obviously on the verge of tears.

If only I knew what went on in her head at times like this.

"I'm gonna go."

Adeline speaks quickly as she packs her bag, the clear straps glistening as she slings it over her shoulder.

"That's right, ugly Adeline. Go back to where you belong. It must have been fun to get noticed, but not anymore." Brianna teases Addy as she walks away, shaking her head vigorously.

Adeline is the girl I can't have even though I want her. Not anymore sadly.

Actually, just not for now.


"Mom? I'm home."

"Hey honey. How was school? How's Darling?"

"How am I supposed to know?" I grumble, taking my shoes off.

"Kaleb is gone for his basketball game. He's out of town for the night so I figured you'd at least check on her." My mother sighs, sitting up from her position on the couch.

"No, I didn't."

My mom raises as eyebrow before examining my face, humming to herself. "Oh? And why not."

"I'm not old enough to be a guardian for her. She isn't my fucking responsibility." Shrugging, I walk further into the house and kiss my mom on her cheek, listening to her hum again.

"I'll ask your uncle to check on her when he gets back from work. You go rest."


"I could go over now if you'd like? Just a quick peek would be fine."

"No. Go rest now. Your uncle can do it. Beside, you aren't her guardian."

Why did I say that?

My mom thinks her brother-in-law is an angel. That's far from true.

And if Adeline is home alone, who knows what could happen to her later.

"I said to go rest, Easton. Such a bipolar boy." My mom snaps me out of my thoughts and I laugh awkwardly, running a hand through my hair.

"Yes mom."

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