I Don't Feel It

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Chapter 32: I Don't Feel It

Setting the rose down on Adeline's door step, I walk away quickly to my car.


Kaleb calls me and I turn around, raising an eyebrow.


"You want to hang out later?" He asks and I continue to look confused. "I'm trying to be your friend again, stupid. And you should be happy."

"Okay fine."

"Good. And why not put the flower later when she gets home, it takes her forever to leave the house."

I laugh in embarrassment, running a hand through my hair. "Sorry."

Kaleb just punches me in my arm jokingly before sitting in his car and I do the same, looking out the window.

Adeline comes running outside and I make note of her outfit.

She wasn't wearing it.

She had on a blue dress that ended above her knees, with a matching blue shirt underneath it.


Adeline nearly stumbles over her feet before bending over to pick up the flower, running back inside again.

I hear a horn behind me and roll my window down, listening to Kaleb complain. "This is what I fucking mean!"

Adeline comes back outside and waves at me before running to her brother's car, trying to fix her dress at the same time.

"School's going to be crazy today."


"But she can't look better than me!"

"She's low key hot. Can I tap that?"

"No, stupid." I mutter, hitting my friend in the back of his head.

"Easton doesn't want you looking at his girl." Another one of them joke and I try not to punch him.

"I don't like her."

Brianna and Marma were sitting at the table across from me, the both of them pouting while looking at Adeline.

"That's the dress she bought with me. How dare she wear it?" Marma shrieks and I roll my eyes, giving her a dirty look.

"Easton. Make it better!" Brianna turns around to me, pointing at Adeline.

"We aren't dating anymore, Brianna. I can't help you." Shrugging, I turn my back to her, continuing to look at Adeline.

She was eating chicken nuggets, dancing happily to herself.

"I'm going to talk to her."

One of my friends start to stand up, walking to Adeline. Kaleb appears randomly and sits down next to his sister, glaring up at Jason.

"No, the fuck you're not." He grumbles and Jason walks away again, pouting as he sits down.

Adeline continues to eat quietly, oblivious to the guys looking at her.

It's not bothering me at all.

"I have geometry with her later. I want to know the transition story."

"It's probably just liposuction. The bitch is known for-"

"Shut up, Brianna! Like shit." I groan out and she flinches, her lip starting to quiver. "I'm not doing this shit with you."

"You're not doing what with me, Easton? You're standing up for that bitch now." She screams back and I tilt my head.

"Brianna, we aren't dating anymore. What don't you understand?"

"I want you back."

"And I don't have time for you. Get it in your head."


"Who's she?"

"The same girl you met about three weeks ago, Darren." I mutter, throwing a crumpled piece of paper into the air.

"Actually, my name is Daren." He corrects me and I glare at him. "But Darren is fine."

"Same, difference." Rolling my eyes, I look back at Adeline, watching as she wipes the board off. "Hey, Adeline?"

Adeline spins around swiftly, grinning at me and I notice the color of her braces.

"What's with you and that light blue?"

She blushes while putting her hand up to her mouth unconsciously, looking back at me. "It's the color changing one. Pink when you drink fluids."

"Oh cool. And what's with the sudden change?"

Adeline thinks for a moment before shrugging. "Kaleb."

More guys enter the detention room, whistling as they look at Adeline.

"Shut up, Lawson."

"Oh come on, Easton. Adeline knows it's playful. I did it even when she was, ya know." Lawson explains and I roll my eyes at him, giving Adeline my attention again.

"Yeah. Sure."


The ringing of my phone alarms me and I answer the call, not bothering to check who it was.


"Easton, my favorite nephew. I need you to do something for me."

"Like?" My body tenses and I look out my window, checking on Adeline.

She was holding the vase in her hands, the flower count now up to three and I remember something.


I didn't buy the flower yet for tomorrow.

"What was that, Easton?" My uncle asks and I snap out of my thoughts, listening to him.

"Nothing. What can I do for you?"

"I need you to hold my gun again. And I'm also going to need something from that girl."

My uncle laughs maliciously and I scrunch up my face, looking back at Adeline.

"I'm not, I'm not holding that thing for you again." I stutter as she smiles at me, pointing excitedly at her flowers. "And what do you want from Adeline?"

"I'm coming up to your house tomorrow. Just get her to come over and it's good." He explains and I scoff quietly.

"I'll try. But we aren't really the closest anymore."

"I'm sure she still feels something deep down, just get her to come over. You can do it."

Before I'm able to respond, he hangs up on me and I curse in annoyance.

"Easton! You look terrible!" Adeline opens her window and yells at me, causing me to nod.

"Gee thanks. I thought I looked fine."

"Well someone lied to you."

Adeline Fawn. Sadly, I used to like this girl.

Found out I couldn't pursue her and then what?

I'm catching feelings again at the wrong time.

"You're lucky I want to be with you."

"Be my friend, you mean?" She questions, her eyes trailing down before she blushes.

"That's what I meant. I want to be your friend again."

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