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Chapter 66: Graduate

"As I stand before you today. I'm not just a graduate, I'm an actual individual."

"I'm going to step into the real world. Do real things-"

"You're doing amazing, sweetie!" I heard Jared and Nathan tell from the crowd and I laugh, waving at them.

"Things that will make a difference. Four years has taught me that I am capable of learning more than academics." I continue my speech, reading over the next line.

"I am capable of coming from being an outcast, to finding people worthy of the real me. I've learned to love the real me."

I continue until I've reached the end, smiling widely before walking off the stage.

"That's my baby!"

"Your baby? She's mine." Easton scowls at Jared as I sit in between them, rolling my eyes. "That was amazing."

"Thank you. And you guys are very embarrassing."

"Get used to it, love. Til death do we stop."


"I present to you, the class of 2022!"

"Yes!" Jared yells as he throws his cap up in the air, catching it as it falls.

"We're our of that hell hole!"

"I wouldn't call it a hell hole." I mutter, waving my cap around.

"You're right. We had you, so it was heaven." Easton mumbles under his breath and I nudge him, laughing.

"You're so corny."

"Thank you."

"Yo, someone needs to play that High School Musical song." Nathan suggests, sitting back down again.

"From the third movie?" I question.

"I think it was the first. But I could be wrong."

"On it."

Jared swipes through his phone before telling everybody to shut up, turning the music up.

"We're all in this together. And we know-"

A teacher cuts his singing of by groaning, shaking her head.

"I am so happy to get rid of these kids."


"We're lit today!"

"Put that down!" Kaleb slaps something out of Nathan's hand, shaking his head.

"Kaleb!" I wave to my brother and he walks over to me, hugging my tightly.

"Your speech was amazing, darling."

"Thank you. Where's Sasha?"

My brother points in the direction of his girlfriend and I turn my head.

She was standing next to the speakers, arguing with the DJ.

"Sasha! Come here!"

"No bitch. I'm doing something." She holds her finger up and I wait, listening to her conversations. "I'm telling mom."

Sasha sticks her tongue out and walks away, holding her arms out for a hug.

"I can't believe your going to college with us now." She coos, patting my head.

"I feel sorry for you." I giggle, wrapping my arms around her.


"Because we're all going to the same one sadly. Which means-"

"Which means, it's going to be great." Easton interrupts me and I turn around the face him. "Hi, my love."

"I saw you earlier."

"Fuck you." He jokes, flicking my nose.

"I'd rather not."

His eyes widen after I say that, not getting a chance to speak before our friends interrupt him.

"Kiss her! Ask her!" They chant and I raise an eyebrow, looking back at Easton.

"Ask me what?"

He laughs in embarrassment and takes a step closer to me, holding my hands in his.

"I was wondering, if maybe you'd want to go on a road trip? Before college started."


"Over summer break? The group of us, though. So you don't have to worry about being alone." He rubs the back of his neck nervously and I stand on my tip-toes, leaning forward to kiss his cheek.

"I'd love to."

Anything with him, I'll do it.

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