People Change

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Chapter 19: People Change

I'm fucking crazy.

Who knows, maybe I'm a problem child? Maybe I have a hard time showing my emotions? Or maybe I just don't deserve what I want?

I think it's the last one.

I've made Adeline's life a living hell, and for what? Just to fit in with my "friends".

"I really hate myself sometimes."

"Did you say something, baby?" Brianna pats my leg as she bites her nail, trying to look cute.

"No, I didn't. Stop being nosey."

Brianna rolls her eyes before looking back down at her phone, not paying attention to the lesson.

I turn my head to look at Adeline, watching her lips part slightly in her sleep.

Her head bobs as she wakes up again, looking confused and I feel myself smirk.

"Easton Kim, what's so funny?" The teacher calls me and I roll my eyes, facing the front of the room.

"Nothing, Mr. Adams. Why do you ask?" I challenge him and place my hands on the desk, waiting for a lecture.

"It seemed to me like you were looking at Ms. Fawn sleeping. Is she bothering your learning?" The physics teacher questions and I shake my head, not caring that I would be in trouble.

"No sir. I was just wondering why you're allowing her to?"

"Because she's one of the good students. And for disrupting my class you have-"

"Detention after school, I know."


"Adeline. Adeline. Addy bear. Adeline Fawn."


"Why are you ignoring me?" Marma crosses her arms while walking next to Adeline and I hear Brianna snicker next to me.

"Because I feel like it." Adeline tried her best to not sound annoyed but I hear it start to surface in her tone.

"Fine then be that way." Marma turns on her heel before walking back to Brianna and I, stopping us. "I'm your friend, Brianna."

"Good girl. Finally came to your senses." Brianna coos, linking their arms together.

"Adeline believed in you." I tell Marma, watching her eyes darken.

"That sounds like a her problem. Not us." My girlfriend laughs as we continue walking.

"And I wasn't talking to you, Brianna."

Finally reaching outside, the three of us walk past Adeline and turn my head back to get a view of her.

She was crying.

I wanted to tell her that things would be okay, but who am I to do that?

I'm her bully.


"We're gonna be here for a while. You, what did you do?"

"Fire alarm."

"Cool. Hey you, over there. What did you do?" I point, calling another person.

"Talk back to a teacher."

"Same. And you, what-" I get cut off by the door opening and look over, watching Adeline set her bag down next to the teacher's desk. "What are you doing here?"

The senior boys start whistling when she bends down to take out a pen and I glare at them.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"I'm the teacher's aid. She asked me to sit here until she got back." A blush appears on Adeline's face as I stare her down, probably intimidating her.

"Take a seat then, chubs. Ms. Wilson isn't getting back anytime soon." A senior boy, Lawson, calls to her and she nods, taking the empty desk next to me and moving it next to the table."Finish the questioning, Easton."

"You, in the red. Who are you?" I point, raising an eyebrow at the new person.

"Daren. I'm a freshman. I'm from Iowa, moved here two months ago and-"

"I didn't ask for your life story." Stopping him, I rummage in my bag, looking for something. "Do you want to see something?"


I put the object on my lap before adjusting it, waiting to hear a click noise.

Looking up at Adeline, I realize she feel asleep with her head on the teacher's table and smile to myself.


Wait what?

Finally hearing the sound, I chuckle as I hold it above my head. "Look."


"Caught in a lie."

"Why are you saying that?" I question her, not looking up.

I continue to fumble with the object, removing and putting the content back in repeatedly.

"It's a song. And it's also what you are."

Looking up at Adeline, I give her a death glare before looking back down, rolling my eyes at her.

"You think?" I laugh, groaning in frustration afterwards.

"I know." Adeline pauses for a moment before speaking again, causing me to give her my attention. "What are you doing?"

"Minding my own business. And you?"

"Leaving. I'm leaving." She mutters, pouting.

"Adeline, tell me something that you've learned from your books."

I asked her the most random thing to see what she would say, hoping that she said something I wanted to hear.

But I mainly just wanted to hear her voice.

I've been feeling weird about Adeline lately, and I've hidden it with my actions, because she can't know me anymore than she already does.

The reason for that is simple:

I'm fucked up.


Author's Note:

A small look into Easton's twisted mind again.

What do you think he has?

I love reading what you have to say about my book. Feel free to vote and comment.

That should be all for now. Bye

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