I Lost Track

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Chapter 18: I Lost Track

Walking into the building, I scan the area, looking for Marma.

After a minute, I give up, not wanting to wait any longer. I make my way downstairs, finding an empty spot in the hallway to sit and eat until second period.


A voice startles me and I look up, making contact with James.

"Oh, yeah. I bought an extra chocolate one for my friend. Would you like it?" I feel my face heat up slightly as he sits down, holding his hand out.

Placing the pastry in his hand, James' eyes light up and I giggle at his cuteness.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

The two of us sit in silence, but it didn't feel awkward.

"How old are you?" James speaks up, resting his hand on the floor.

"Fifteen? Why?"

"No reason. I'm seventeen."

"Interesting." I mutter, nodding my head.

He pushes himself up off the ground and takes my trash away from me, smiling. "I just wanted to say 'hi'. I have to go now."

"Okay, bye now."


"You're going to tilt it to the left when I put my hand up, okay?"

"And what does that do?"

"Slow motion." I mumble, fixing the camera in my brother's hand.

Today was one of those days when we decided to do something weird, so I decided on taking pictures.

"Ready? Three, two, one." Kaleb counts down as I spin, lifting my hand up and smiling. "That was cute."

"Your turn."

We've been at this for almost half an hour and were just getting things correct.

Kaleb and I switch spots and I prepare to count down before the doorbell rings.

"Go get it."

"No duh." Sticking my tongue out at him, I walk backwards to the door, opening it.

"Hey Kaleb."

"What do you want?" I grumble, looking up at Easton.

He leans down to my height, whispering in my ear. "I'm not here for you, Fatty Addy."

Easton nudges me aside before stepping in, walking over to my brother.

"We were actual in the middle of something." I state, checking my nails.

"That sounds really personal, Adeline." Easton responds before turning back to my brother.

Kaleb simply raises an eyebrow before walking upstairs with Easton, leaving me alone.

"Well then," I shrug, making my way to my room.

Sitting down at my dresser, I open my physics textbook to study.

"Oh my god, the boredom is getting to me."

I study when I feel like it, but have never failed a class. Except for Physics.

"I hate Physics."

Getting distracted, I find myself scrolling through Twitter midway, looking at what people have posted.

A post from Marma catches my attention and I scroll back down to get a better look at it.

The picture was of her and Brianna and I scratch my head, trying to figure out what the comment meant.

"New best friend?" I read out-loud, puffing up my cheeks. "Oh okay."

Placing the phone down on its face, I close my textbook and stand up.

The one person who I thought would actually be my friend, no longer is.

That hurts.

Lost in my thoughts, I don't notice when the door opens and Easton walks in, sitting next to me.

"Your brother said for me to watch you while he went out."

"I don't need anyone to watch me, thank you very much." I mumble, turning my back to him.

"That's too bad."

I start to open my mouth before Easton gets up and walks to where I was, standing in front of me.

"Can you m-"

Before I finish, he pushes me down and climbs on top of me, gripping the base of my neck.

"If you don't," I hiss, struggling underneath him.

"If I don't, what? Huh?" Applying more pressure to my neck, he laughs to himself, leaning closer to my face. "Shut the fuck up, Adeline."

Finally getting off of me, Easton stands up and walks out the door, leaving me alone in my room again.

Way too many things are happen right now and I hate it.

"I really hate it."

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