Not My Girl

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Chapter 43: Not My Girl

"Which tint would look better on my lips? Mauve or Cafe?"

"Let me see them again."

Adeline runs the two lipgloss container over her hand on different spots before wiping them away, showing me the colors again.

"Cafe." I mutter, looking at the lighter color.

She smiles before walking away from the window towards her vanity, pushing tissue in her mouth before spreading the lip tint on her lips.

Adeline comes back again and sits quietly while on her phone, unable to speak.

Birdie: tell me a story

She looks up at me as I text her back, rolling my eyes.

Me: Like?

Birdie: idk. just say it out loud :/

"Um, so. There was a place right. We'll call it Cardona. And in Cardona there was a disease going around that made everyone-"

"Nuh uh. Shut up." Adeline pulls the paper out of her mouth and glares at me, moving to throw it away.

"Why not?"

"Because. Before you talk about that, we need to have school canceled, okay? And you need to call the government for me." She mutters.

"I'm Korean, not Chinese. I don't know what the fuck they're doing down there."

Adeline laughs while peeling the lip tint off, revealing her colored lips. "Okay? How does this look?"

Adeline wipes her thumb along her lips, making them move in the same direction before bouncing back.

I don't think she knew how sensual that looked but I bite my lip, keeping any sounds in.


"It's cute. You should wear it more often."

Rustling can be heard behind me as we continue talking, my door soon opening.

"Easton, we have to talk."

I don't take my eyes off Adeline as my uncle speaks, simply nodding my head before hearing him leave again.

"You good?" I question, noticing her face pale.

Addy shakes her head before nodding quickly, giving a reassuring smile. "Of course. You shouldn't keep him waiting. I'm going to check on Nico and Avan."

"How are they, by the way?" I ask despite my fear, only really caring that she was happy.

"They started chrysalis. Crystalist? I don't know but they transformed." She stumbles over her words, giggling at her own mistakes.

"That's nice. I have to go now."


"You don't follow instructions, do you?"


"You heard me." My uncle stresses, playing with something in front of him.

Walking closer to where he was, I look over his shoulder.

"What have I told you about looking over my shoulder?"

"Don't do it." Rolling my eyes, I move away from him, sitting on the couch.

He's lucky my parents work all the time.

My uncle follows behind me, sitting in the space next to me before fumbling with his gun again, taking the bullets out.

"What did I say about the girl?" He growls, spinning the object on his finger.

"She's a minor." I state, telling him something he didn't want to hear.

"And you make it seem like that stopped me the last time. Did it?"

"Uncle Sam, what-"

My uncle cuts me off by speaking in a different language, using a tone I know way too well.

"Easton Kim, don't go against me. If I tell you to do something, you do it."

"But why? What's the reason?" I yell back to him in the same language, not caring that I pronounce something wrong.

"Adeline is for me. Since the day I laid my eyes on her, that little bitch isn't for anyone else."

"And I fucking like her! You're not getting the chance."

Standing up to walk away, I hear him follow behind me, yelling random words.

Uncle Sam pulls me back by my shoulder before slapping me, my face following the contact.

"Don't you ever raise your voice at me."


"You know. If you want her so badly to even think to go against me." He grumbles, pulling something from his pocket. "Should I go get her right now?"

He pushes the bullets back in the gun, listening for the click.

"Please don't. I'll figure something out."

"That's my nephew. Smart boy."

I'm smart in academics, stupid in emotions and actions.

There's a difference.

"Yeah." I mutter, running a hand through my hair.

"And you've been slacking on keeping her away. What did I say about hurting her so that she doesn't fall for you?" He tilts his head, examining his gun continuously.

"Make it hurt. Bring her pain. Don't let her like you again. Don't let the two of you fall for each other. Should I continue?"

I was already over this conversation, I'm only here for my girl.

My girl? Adeline, I mean. I'm only here for Adeline.

"No. That's fine. But carry it out better."

"Of course I will."

Walking away from him, I make my way upstairs to my room, looking straight out the window.

Adeline was putting the new flower with the collection and removing the bouquet from the water, preparing to change it.

She spins around excitedly with the flowers in her hands, speaking to herself.

This just had to be the girl I like.

I apologize in advance, Adeline Sarang Fawn.

I started something and probably won't be able to finish it.

I won't get the girlfriend I've wanted.

"Fuck this shit."

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