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Chapter 44: Mess

"I want to go to Target. Will you come with me?"

"Only if we can go to Starbucks afterward?"

"There is one in the store and a Pizza Hut! It's like a dream." I giggle, swinging his hand back and forth.

Jared laughs at my enthusiasm before looking back at Easton. "Is it okay that she likes me more?"

"She doesn't like you more, you dodo bird." Easton mutters, walking to stand on my other side.

"Rude much! That's why you're an ugly mother-fucker."

The six of us continue walking down the block, Easton's quieter friends lagging behind.

"Target run and done?" Nathan suggests, fist-bumping the air.

"Maybe. We'll see how it goes."


"I want to be where the people are. I want to see, want to see them dancing." Jared screeches, holding putting something over his head.

"Walking around on those, what do you call them?" I continue, laughing at his dancing. "Feet."

Easton and the others come around from the other side, staring at the two of us.

"Why are you two so far away?" Easton chuckles, looking at where I was standing.

Jared was on the opposite end of the aisle, standing on a sticker.

"Six feet apart."

"It's like the movie." Jared cheers, placing a hat on his head.

"But isn't it called Five Feet Apart. I've never seen it." I giggle, skipping over to Jared.

He puts his hands out in defense while glaring at me, shaking his finger. "Stay away."


"We've been here for almost an hour now." Nathan complains, staring at the space in front of me. "What did you need?"

"Pads." I joke, looking at him mortified expression. "Tampons."

"Go those feel good?" Jared asks me, finally putting his hand down and I walk over to him, hugging him tightly.

Easton stops laughing and his eyes go blank, staring me down as I hold onto Jared.

"How would that feel good?"

"Because it's going inside your thingy, like my thingy would. It's a substitute, no?"

"You- don't ask a girl that. And I wouldn't know, those scare me."

"But do you really need pads though?" Nathan comes out of his shocked state, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No. I can get them at Walgreens later."

He gags before walking away from me, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Nope! I'm out."


"Wait, put yours right here. Let me post it."

"I just did."

"No, do it properly." I whine, pulling Easton back over to me.

"I don't want to, Adeline. What aren't you getting?" He snaps, his voice raising slightly and I flinch.

"Is something wrong? You've been distant today."

"Why do you say that?" Easton murmurs, putting the straw in his mouth.

"You let Jared talk the most today. And you left us alone for some time. Which isn't like you."

"Maybe I'm just not feeling you today. It's not that big of a deal, get over it."

I pout before searching for Jared, finding him at another table, drinking quietly.

He looks up before waving at me, signaling for me to come over.

"Oh, I'm sorry then. I'm going over there."

Walking over to Jared, he pulls his phone out quickly and drags a chair closer to him. "Sit, Addy."

"What's up?"

"I need a picture for my Snapchat, and Twitter. And a video for my Instagram story. And Facebook." He lists, holding his cup closer to mine.

"You have Facebook?" I giggle, angling my phone to take a picture. "Caption it?"

"On a date, kinda nervous. That's for Snapchat though. And Facebook is only because my mom wants to know where I am all the time."

"And where are you all the time?"

"At my girlfriend's house. Eating her waffles."

The two of us take the pictures of our drinks before he points the camera at me, taking another one.


Out of nowhere, Easton walks over to us and pulls my arm, causing me to stand up.

"Let's go, Jared. We have to leave now."

"Why? It's still bright out and Target isn't closing."

Easton continues walking despite our questions and I start jogging to catch up with them despite him holding me.

"We just have to go. Don't ask. That goes for you too, Adeline."

That was weird.

But knowing Easton, mood swings and weirdness is a normal occurrence.

I'm confused.


Author's Note:

I'm bored. So I've gotten a job.

Of making stupid chapters. This was very stupid, but why not. It's a build up of what's going to happen.

That's all I have to say. Bye

P.S: this is not edited. I'm too lazy for that.

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