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Chapter 63: Love

*two days later*

"Answer your god damn phone."

"And he declined."

Throwing my phone down beside me, I stand up to sit at the window, glaring at Easton.

"So this is what we're doing now? Huh?" I question, loud enough for him to hear.

He pulls his shirt over his head, continuing to ignore me. Easton's body flexes and I gape at him, my eyes widening.


He turns around to look at me and winks, walking away again.

"Nuh uh! No looking! You see tomorrow." Jae runs to the window and closes the curtains, opening them again to poke his head through. "Sorry though, Adeline."

I've lost track of the days at this point. I know today is Friday, but is it really?

On a Friday night we'd be together right now, doing something dumb.

"I want to throw him in a lake now."

"Adeline! Go to your bed!" Kaleb opens my door while scowling, leaving me alone after he's done speaking.

I'm over this by now.

Hopefully tomorrow is different.


"I look cute, don't know why." I check myself in the mirror once more before leaving the bathroom, walking towards my vanity. "After this, I'll look like a mess."

I take out my mascara, blush and heart stamp, applying the first two to my face before finding a place for my temporary tattoo.

Placing a heart under my right eye, I make sure it looks okay before standing up to stretch.

"Why did I do this again?"

Sitting on my bed, I play with my phone, confused as to why I just wasted makeup.

"I'm not going anywhere-"

Cutting myself off, I hear loud music start to play downstairs and groan, standing up to complain with Kaleb.

"Kaleb, turn it down!"

Standing at the top of the staircase, I look down at brother and friends who were lined up in two rows, all of them wearing suits.

"You guys look stupid." I grumble, walking away to my room again.

"Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride, and greatest pleasure that we welcome you today."

"And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair as we proudly present. Your boyfriend."

Nathan and Jared recite the words from 'Be Our Guest', catching my attention.

The lyrics of the song start playing and I smile, standing still as they continue their routine.

What the heck?

"Be our guest. Be our guest. Be our guest." They all separate, revealing Easton who was standing at the door, well dressed.

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