So They Saw

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Chapter 30: So They Saw

"Just my luck."

Marma and Brianna's laughs get louder as I hear rustling, neither of them saying much.

My back was turned to the stall door as I continue to fix my shirt, not paying much attention to them.

I guess I did the wrong thing as I feel a hand grasp onto my ankle, pulling me backward and I slip, hitting the side of my face on the toilet seat.

"Sorry." Brianna laughs fakely before completely crawling into the stall, standing up over me.

My vision blurs as she opens the door for Marma and she stands in the frame, picking up my padding.

"So that's what you use?" Marma laughs, pulling something out of her back pocket.

I wince again before closing my eyes, trying my best to regain my focus. Opening my eyes again, I watch the stuffing from my padding fall onto the ground and Marma drops her scissors along with it.

"Her lip is bleeding. Why not make it her whole body!" Brianna screams again as she kicks me in my stomach, making me curl up into a ball to protect myself.

The two of them start taking turns to hit me and I don't realize when I close my eyes, trying my best to drown out the pain.

I hear the bathroom door slam open as stomps make their way over, the contact suddenly stopping.

"I could have fucking sworn! That I told you both to leave her alone. Did I not?" I hear my brother's voice and smile slightly, scrunching up my face in pain.

"Kaleb! How did you know we were here?"

"Easton fucking told me. But he didn't want to go in until I was here. Does that answer your question, dumb bitch?" Kaleb curse and I hear the girls wince, a bang sound coming behind it. "I'm about to kill someone."

"Kaleb, please!"

I try my best to open my eyes again, succeeding before my head goes completely blank and I blackout.


"How many fingers?"

"Three, Kaleb."

"Good, girl. Now drink." He mumbles, putting the bottle up to my mouth.

"I'm not a baby Kaleb." I try to take the bottle from him and he slaps my hand away, continuing to baby me.

"I didn't-"

"Oh, my baby!" I hear someone shriek and I look behind my brother, watching as my parents run inside my room.

"Your baby? Where the fuck were you guys when this happened?" Kaleb sets the bottle down next to me before standing up, his eyes darkening. "You guys are the fucking providers, yes, but I'm the one looking after her."

"Kaleb, I know you're mad but let's just talk." My mom coos, placing her hand on Kaleb's shoulder.

My brother tenses up even more as he shrugs her off, laughing sarcastically. "Fuck off."

"Excuse me?" My dad questions while standing in front of Kaleb, trying to challenge him.

My brother simply fixes his posture, standing taller than my dad by about an inch.

"Do me a favor. And tell me why the hell she has to wear that shit? Huh? Tell me!" Kaleb yells and his ears start to turn red.

Our mom flinches slightly before looking at me.

"Kaleb stop-" I start to stand up but he pushes me to sit again, not looking away from our parents.

"Don't you want to know? Fucking tell us because I'm over her getting hurt every god damn day for something that isn't true!"

"Adeline?" My dad calls my name gently and I look up at him.

"Don't ask her shit. She wants to know."

"Let's just tell them? Please, love?" My mom hold my dad's hand, leading him to sit on my bed.

Kaleb walks over and sits next to me, examining my face on last time.

"Tell us. We don't have all day."

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