Better or Never Again

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Chapter 36: Better or Never Again

James and I were sitting in silence as he drove to a location, me continuing to look out the window.

Soon enough, he's pulling into a driveway before turning the car off completely.

"Where are we?"

"My house." James mumbles and I raise an eyebrow, getting out the vehicle.

He runs up to the door to open it, stepping inside before holding the door open for me.

"Why your house?" I ask him, taking my shoes off.

"I didn't want to go out. And keep those on."

My parents would whoop my behind if I let someone keep their shoes on in the house. But whatever.

"Oh okay. I feel over-dressed now." Looking down at my clothing, I feel my face flush in embarrassment.

I was wearing a long sleeve shirt and a high waisted skirt, the outfit was nice.

"You look great."

James smiles before taking my hand in his, walking upstairs to what I'm guessing is his room.

Clothes were piled up next to his bed, tissues surrounding it and I try my best not to cringe. A furball was sat right in front of the door and James nudges it slightly, waking up the animal.

The kitten purrs before spinning around and looking at our feet, walking over to rub its body on my leg.

"You aren't allergic, are you? I can-"

"What's its name?" I giggle, picking up the cat and it purrs even more. "So cute."

"Holly. But I can put her out if you want?" James starts to worry and I shake my head, holding the cat up.

"No. Let her stay."

He nods before taking my hand again, signaling for me to sit on his bed.

I sit at the edge with my feet dangling off, petting the animal.

"You can put your feet on the bed,  you know. It's fine."

"I'd rather not."

James hums before turning the television on and reaching over the side of his bed, sitting back up to hand me a small box.

Inside it was a small pendant and I grin, taking it out to add it to my necklace. "Thank you."

Easton was wrong. This date isn't perfect, but it's great.


I changed my mind.

Things were going great until a tiny mishap occurred. And it's still happening.

One minute, we were watching movies as I pet the kitten, and the next minute, James scares her out of the room.

I thought it was just because I was giving Holly a lot of attention, but then he pinned me onto the bed, and that's awfully uncomfortable.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" James chuckles as he leans closer to my face and I release a hand from his hold, pushing his face away. "Don't be a prude, Adeline."

"I'm not into that right now, James." I bite my lip nervously before stopping, hearing him groan.

"Are you sure? Because you came to school in your normal body, which means you wanted attention. And now you have it."

"No, I only did that because I had to."

"You wanted attention and you have it, now stop being difficult."

James attempts to move his hand between my thighs and I don't think, kneeing him in his area.

He releases me to hold it and I get up, walking out the room.

"Never touch me again. And clean your room before bringing a girl over, ugh."


Paying the cab driver, I walk to my front door, opening it and stepping inside.

My brother and Easton were spread out on the floor, pizza boxes and game controllers around them.

"You're back soon. How was it?"

"Meh. The place's food was terrible." I lie, taking off my shoes and holding them in my hands.

"Do you want to tell us where you went?" Kaleb questions and I shrug walking past the two of them.

"I'd rather not." Mumbling, I make my way upstairs to my room.

"Go talk to her, please."

"I don't need Easton to talk to me!"

I hear his footsteps follow behind me and I try to close my door quickly. Easton sticks his foot between the space and opens it back, walking in behind me. "Well, I'm coming anyway."


"Tell me what happened."


Easton grumbles something under his breath before unzipping his hoodie and I watch his movements, tensing up slightly. "Here."

He pulls a white rose out and I tilt my head, confused. "You?"

"I swear, you're dumb sometimes, Adeline. You told me that I could win your friendship with this and now you're confused when I hand you one."

"You aren't that type of person. That's why." I shrug, taking the flower from him and playing with it in my hands.

"I told you, I'm trying to change. This is me changing."

Both of us start laughing as he sits down next to me, leaning back on his palms.

"Now that I've softened you. Tell me what happened."

"Maybe, you were slightly right that something would happen." I stress, holding my head down.

"He tried to get in your- skirt?" Easton bites his lip while looking down at my legs and I slap him, redirecting his attention. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

"But just a question. Does he still interest you like before?" Easton mutters and I think for a moment, crossing my legs.

"Uh, not really. Something else is going on so he doesn't matter anymore."

The weirdest thing here is that I started to take an interest in Mystery Person, but now that guy is Easton.

Does that mean I'm starting to like him? Weird.

Easton smirks as he runs a hand through his hair, balancing on the other one.

"That's great."

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