Want Her

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Chapter 41: Want Her

Walking into school, I quickly find my friends, continuing our walk to the cafeteria.

"Where's Addy? I was hoping she'd sit with us." Jared nudges me and I roll my eyes, looking straight ahead.

"She's probably in the basement. Either there or the library."

"Well we should go see her. Adeline is surprisingly really cute and fun." My other friend, Nathan, chuckles and I glare at him.

"We don't have to see her."

"We do." He responds, turning around to the staircase. "I want to see her morning face."

"She deserves privacy." I murmur, following my friends downstairs.

"We know that. But she's our friend now." Jared corrects, jumping down the steps. "I misunderstood her and I'm making up for it."

"Adeline probably won't be happy to see us."

The basement is always empty in the morning, besides Adeline being there.

The group of us turn down the hall and I see her, setting her bag down and doing a happy dance.

"She's a foodie?" Jared gasps as she continues dancing, taking a Dunkin Donuts bag out of her gym bag. "My soulmate."

"Addy!" Nathan and Jared yell in unison and I roll my eyes, the rest of my friends following behind them.

"Oh! Hello." She giggles and her smile widens, showing off her braces.

Why does she have to be so cute?

Shaking my head, I join the group, sitting down furthest away from Adeline.

"Easton! Why are you so far away from your girl?" Jason teases, staring Adeline down.

"I don't want her to get sick, I have a cough." I lie, faking a cough.

"And you let me touch you! Disgusting!" Jared yells, shuddering dramatically.

Adeline laughs before looking over at me, biting her lip. A smirk rises to my face and her face turns red, looking away from me quickly.

"Are you two flirting right in front of us? Friends don't do these things!"

"We're friends?" Addy gasps excitedly and Jared nods his head.

How did she only catch that part?

"Oh course we are. Which means, we can sing Kumbaya together!"

Adeline starts laughing as she hums the song, catching my attention.

I have a crush on this girl. "Fuck."

"What was that, Easton?" Nathan looks at me, raising an eyebrow.



"She went from loner to slut! That's sad."

"A slut who's messing with your man."

"Easton isn't a man, he's a teenage boy." I hear Adeline mumble, pushing a few fries in her mouth.

"Would you like us to shut them up for you?" Jared coos, patting Adeline's shoulder.

"No tha-"

"Listen bitch. Shut up."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Brianna shrieks, looking at me. "Easton, get your friend and that slut!"

Her words tick me off as I stand up, walking over to where they were.

Adeline's eyes follow me but I don't look back at her, if I do it'll be a mess.


"Yes, Easton baby?" Brianna bites her nails sensually, making me cringe.

"I'm only going to say this once. First of all, leave me the fuck alone. We aren't dating. And second of all, call her a slut again and I'll show you the real one. Are we clear?"

Tears start forming in Brianna's eyes and I roll mine, not caring.


"Good. Tell your friend that too."

Walking away from them, I sit back down at the table, raising an eyebrow at Adeline.

"You're still looking at me? What, do you want another kiss?" I joke, running a hand through my hair.

Please say yes.

Her face turns red as she starts stuttering, trying to explain herself. "What? I wasn't- I was just wondering- I- oh gosh, no. I wasn't and I don't. Wh-What did you say to them?"

Jared starts choking and I groan audibly, tilting my head to look at him.

"You kissed her?"


"Tell us! What was it like? Was she the dominant one or was it you? She seems like the responder type and not the giver."

"Leave me alone."

"Tell us!" My friend nags again and I glare at him. "Don't give me that look. Tell me, what did it feel like?"

"Haven't you kissed a girl before?" I mutter, running a hand through my hair.

"Plenty. But this is different. Adeline is the pretty girl, and until now, nobody touched her. Now tell us."

"Um, her lips are soft. Her lipgloss was vanilla flavored, I loved it. I don't want to say anything else." Embarrassed, I shut myself up, looking out the window.

Adeline was just getting home from going somewhere with Kaleb, the both of them holding bags in their hands.

She starts bouncing happily while looking around, waiting for Kaleb to open the door.

"So, you like her?" Nathan questions, leaning forward.

"Hasn't he always liked her? Now they're just testing waters."

"Shut up, Jared. And we aren't testing anything. She ran away. She doesn't like me."

My friends make weird noises as I run the back of my neck, thinking of how to change the subject.

"Yes she does."

"No. She doesn't. Now please, shut up."

Her running away is clearly a sign that she didn't want it. So I told her it was a mistake to save us from awkwardness.

But I didn't regret it, I want to kiss her again.

Or maybe I just want her?

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