Tweet Me Back

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Chapter 07: Tweet Me Back

*a week later*

A buzz from my phone catches my attention as I step out the bathroom, sitting on the window ledge to check.

Opening the Twitter app, I read a message from Marma, shaking my head.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

MarmaBish 🐋: a bitch is scared.

Me: why tho?

MarmaBish 🐋: I was stalking your brother's page and let me just say...
MarmaBish 🐋: shit was hot.

Me: you're whipped?

MarmaBish 🐋: more that whipped. I'm butter.

Me: you're weird

MarmaBish 🐋: I also kept going and saw that Kaleb and that Asian god are like best friends.

Me: yeah. and?

MarmaBish 🐋: So then I stalked that guys page and....
MarmaBish 🐋: woo child, he hot hot. But he's a bully. So then I looked on BrItaNnY BiTch's account. Sis has some secrets at the first post.

Me: like?

MarmaBish 🐋: I'm going to call you, my hand hurts.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

My phone starts ringing as I answer the call, Marma instantly yelling in my ears.

"Alright so! Britanny. Or Brianna, I don't really care. She tags Easton sometimes, right?" Marma questions and I nod my head before realizing she can't see me. "But then, she tags this whole other account. And when I tapped it, it brought me to another account."

"Your point is, Mara?" I yawn, looking out my window.

Easton was sitting at his, legs hanging outside of the frame. I roll my eyes as he holds his phone up to me and he smiles as he takes a picture.

"That other account had one post. A video. And it was him and Brianna doing the dirty. I tried going back to look at Brianna's post, but she deleted it. Crazy shit." Mara shudders and I laugh out loud, smiling widely. "In conclusion, I am scarred for life."

I look out my window again, still laughing. Easton takes another picture of me, tilting his head confused.

"Addy? What are you doing?"

"Nothing. But I'm going to have to call you back."

"Okay, bye."

Hanging up the phone, I open the window, scowling at the boy I haven't talked to in more than a week.

"Hey." He smiles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.


My tone was harsh as he paled, shaking his head.

"How are you?"

"A lot better if you'd stop taking pictures of me." I tell him, massaging my temples.

"You know the majority of my phone is pictures of you."

"And how does your girlfriend feel about that?"

Holding my head down, I distract myself with a random app, figuring out what it did.

"They're in my hidden. She knows not to go there." Easton shrugs and I raise an eyebrow. "She thinks it's nudes."

"Do you have nudes there?" I feel my cheeks heat up once I finish speaking, embarrassed at my question.

"Yeah. It's right next to the picture of you in your Mickey Mouse onesie."

Easton swipes left on his phone before holding it up in my direction, showing me the picture.

"Is there a reason why you're talking to me?" I ask him, not holding anything back.

"It's been a while. I missed you." He holds his head down, biting his lip.

"That's not how things work, Easton."

"Please, Adeline. I just need this right now."

"Fine." I sigh, leaning my back against the wall as I rest my phone down.

"I know you hate me. But I've missed our talks."

"Then talk."


"What ever happened to that onesie?" Easton chuckles, gripping the frame of his window.

"I'm wearing it right now." I mutter, puffing up my cheeks. "I have a blanket over me though."

"Oh my god, take it off." Easton cheers, throwing his head back to drink his coffee.

"We're really high though!" I giggle, stuffing my face with gummy worms. Standing up, I take my blanket off, throwing my hoodie over my head.

"Why are you so cute?" Easton scrunches up his nose, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't know! Why are you so ugly?"

"Well shit." Easton presses his lips together, shaking his head.

"I didn't mean it, Asian king. You know you're gorgeous."

Making kissy faces at him, I throw more candy in my mouth, starting to fidget.

"You have a sugar high!"

"I know! You have a coffee high!" I yell back to him, laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god. Why are the two of you still awake? It's almost 11 o'clock!" A male yells and I look down, trying to see who it was.

Mr. Kim was taking out the trash, scowling in a random direction.

"Sorry, Mr. Kim." I blush, waving to the man.

"Oh. Hey, Adeline. Go to bed." Mr. Kim points and I nod, waving goodbye as I move out of his view.

"Night, Addy."

"Good night, bro." I respond in a deep voice, wiggling my eyebrows.

I'm going to regret this moment in the morning.

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