Over The Hedge

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Chapter 38: Over The Hedge

"Is everybody ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"The trip silly. Your parents signed these months ago. Now we're going to a farm for the day!" My advisory teacher cheers, trying to hype up the students.

Unconsciously, I start giggling and she looks over at me, clapping. "This is why Adeline is my favorite!"

"Wait what? I feel betrayed." A boy from a different class whines and I laugh, looking at his frown.

"You sophomores need to loosen up! Now get in the buses."

Walking behind a group of girls, I wait my turn to go on the bus. Finally getting on, I take a seat in the middle, placing my bag down on the empty space.

Nobody used to sit next to me, that's not going to change.

"Yo! Who are you sitting next to?" A group of boys walk onto the bus and look around, trying to find empty seats.

One of them makes eye contact with me and I quickly look down, putting my hoodie over my head.

"Easton it's your girl! I call dibs."

"No, the fuck, you don't, Jared. Stupid bitch." Easton grumbles, pushing him over and walking over to where I was.

Easton lifts my bag up before sitting down, placing it on his lap. "Hey."

"Awe!" Jared coos while walking past, knocking Easton in the back of his head. "Easton's girl!"

The rest of Easton's friends start chanting along with him and I press my lips together, thinking of a way to end my torture.

"Why are you boys so loud?" My advisory teacher walks on and glares at them, causing the bus to go quiet again. "Thank you."


"Okay, students. You guys are free to do anything you'd like. As long as it's age appropriate." A teacher explains as another hands out baskets. "We'll meet back here at 12:30 for lunch."

Everyone separates in different directions and I make my way to the barn.

Lost in my own world, I hear footsteps run up behind me before I'm surrounded by Easton and his friends.

"We're following behind the princess herself today, guys. How does it feel to be in the presence of royalty?"

"Huh?" I smile, looking up at Easton's friend. "Me?"

"Yes you. 'Chubby to thick', a life story." Jared laughs, looking down at my hand. "Your other hand is empty."

"Well yeah, I only n-" I start to explain myself before he cuts me off, looking at Easton who was on my other side.

"Hold her fucking hand."

Easton gives him a dirty look as he grumbles under his breath, grasping my hand in his.

"What are you doing?"

"Just shut up and let me. I can't with them anymore." Easton rolls his eyes, pushing the barn door open.

The minute we walk in, the guys behind me walk in front and Easton laughs at me, probably noticing how my eyes widen. "The chickens!"


"What did you get for lunch, Jared?"

"A turkey and cheese sandwich. What about you, Adeline?"

"I brought a grilled cheese sandwich. What about you, Easton?" I joke, biting into my sandwich.

"Is this an episode of 'Bubble Guppies' or something?" Easton mutter and I laugh, wiping the corner of my mouth.

"Yes. Now tell us what you got."

"Whatever you're eating."

Easton reaches over the table to take my chips and I slap his hand, glaring at him.

"Don't touch Easton!" Brianna shrieks from the other end and I put my hands down on my lap.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up." Jared refutes, causing her to give him a dirty look. "Yes? I never tolerated you anyways."

Brianna looks away again and I stand up, pushing my chips in Easton's direction.

"You're coming over here?"

"No. I'm going up that hill now." I point, proceeding to walk away.

Everyone at the table stands up as well and I roll my eyes, walking faster to get away.

Sitting at the edge of the hill, I hear the rest of the group finally make it, speaking loudly.

A foot touches my behind and I flinch, not prepared for what happens next.

"Oops. I'm sorry." Marma laughs as I move forwards, sliding down the hill.

"Oh my god! That looks fun!"

The boys start cheering before I see a few roll pass me, Easton catching up soon after.

"Hi again." Easton chuckles, sitting in the same position I was.

"That was fast."

"You know what else could be fast?"

"Don't you dare." I mutter, looking in front of me. The guys all land in the mud and groan, rolling further away. "Idiots."

Easton pushes me further away and I glare at him, waiting for the impact of the ground.

The mud splatters around me and I close my eyes, hearing Easton complain next to me.

"Mud monsters?" I give him an innocent look as we stand up and he walks over to me.

"Birdie? I suggest you run." He threatens, calling me by my old nickname.

I'm starting to like it again....

Easton starts chasing me and I squeal, running away into the open space.

I see Brianna and Marma walk down the hill through the corner of my eye, the both of them frowning deeply.

"That wasn't the plan!" Marma crosses her arms, continuing to watch me as I run.

Brianna starts stomping repeatedly, screaming.


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